[hider=Character Sheet:Myubi, Ryuu] [u][b]General Info[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Myubi, Ryuu[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [i]Not Applicable [/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]17[/i] [b]Age Appearance:[/b] [i]17[/i] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [i]Straight[/i] -====- [u][b]Loyalty[/b][/u] [b]Village:[/b] [i]Gobigakure no Sato, the Village Hidden by the End[/i] [b]Birthplace:[/b] [i]Gobigakure no Sato, the Village Hidden by the End[/i] [b]Organization:[/b] [i]Gobigakure no Sato, the Village Hidden by the End[/i] -====- [u][b]Ninja Information[/b][/u] [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] [i]Once a clan of powerful Mercenaries, the Uchiha were the primary founders of Konohagakure alongside the Senju. They are a traditional clan with roots going back all the way to the creation of the Shinobi. Despite this, even their young men can be tempted to give into the ways of the flesh. The two to three Uchiha in Gobi are not even aware of their heritage to the powerful clan. Though they have seen each other about the village and some have commented on their physical resemblance, such is the case in a village that offers pleasure. Ryuu is aware of the fact that he might be related to others in the village, but he simply does not care. They have proven themselves to be skilled, but none have activated the Sharingan save for one.[/i] [b]Rank:[/b] [i]Chuunin[/i] [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] [i]Primary: Fire. Secondary: Wind[/i] -====- [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [img=http://i.imgur.com/lbXn2LG.jpg] [img=http://i.imgur.com/EAiAz4N.png] [b]Body Type and Shape:[/b] Ryuu is a mesomorph with lithe features. [b]Height:[/b] [i]5’7 - 170.18CM[/i] [b]Weight:[/b] [i]170lbs. - 77.1107Kg[/i] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [i]Black[/i] [b]Hair Style:[/b] [i]Ryuu’s hair style is very ‘moppish.’ Though his mother always thought his hair beautiful and soft to touch, Ryuu detests having it long.[/i] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [i]Black[/i] [b]Clothing:[/b] [i]Ryuu typically wears a thick jacket that is colored black and white. He also wears thick hakama pants.[/i] -====- [u][b]Biography[/b][/u] [b]Background:[/b] [i]Sometime before the Second Shinobi World War, an Uchiha Shinobi stopped by Gobi for a night of relaxation. He left the next day. A few months later revealed a pregnant woman in the brothel he had visited. As the woman had slept with many men, she was not sure as to the father and so was left to raise the child on her own. Time passed and she gave birth to a young boy who she named Ryuu. Ryuu grew up in the harsh world of a brothel and was introduced to the realities of the world far sooner than most. Abuse was nearly a daily occurrence as his mother rarely had the time to look after the young boy. The abuse was harsh and caused a deep hatred to fester in his heart against the world. This hatred activated Ryuu sharingan briefly, though he never really recognized what it was and it only activated sporadically when in deep distress. Though the young boy loved his mother, he clearly recognized her faults and so he learned to survive on his own. At the age of nine, his mother died due to an unknown disease given to her by a client. Time passed until at the age of ten, Ryuu was recognized to have the capacity to become a ninja. This opened up a whole new world for the boy and he leaped at the chance to move beyond his miserable life. Ryuu devoted himself to the study of being a Shinobi and though it was a hard road, Ryuu succeeded.In two years, Ryuu was made a Genin and assigned to missions along other Gobi Shinobi. Unfortunately, the hatred that was in Ryuu’s heart did not dissipate as new opportunities for him arose. In interacting with the outside world, Ryuu’s one hope that life could be better than just the survival of the fittest died. And so he devoted himself even further to becoming ‘the fittest.’ His devotion left him somewhat isolated from his peers, though he was civil with them. Things changed even further, however, when at the age of fourteen he awakened his heritage. Though the young teenager had grown immensely and faced combat before; he had yet to truly face a dangerous opponent. This changed when on a simple escort mission, they were attacked by Konoha Shinobi. The fighting was fierce between the Konoha Chuunin and the group of Gobi Genin. Eventually only Ryuu and one remaining Konoha Chuunin remained. Ryuu was quickly knocked down and disarmed with the killing blow about to be struck. Hatred welled within his heart and suddenly everything changed. The young teen could see the Chuunin’s movements and chakra as the man formed the hand signs for a jutsu. Reacting quickly, Ryuu found that he could copy the Chuunin’s movements and chakra. The two Shinobi finished their techniques and two grand fireballs flew from their mouths to a stalemate. The Konoha Shinobi was left in stunned at the two tomoes in Ryuu’s eyes. Ryuu moved forward and grabbed his wakizashi from the ground with a speed that the stunned Konoha Chuunin could not match. As Ryuu’s blade pierced the man’s heart, only a single word was uttered, “Sharingan…” Ryuu made his way home, pondering the words and this new ability. The young genius experimented and found that by sending chakra to his eyes he could activate the ability. It was a slight drain on his chakra to keep it activated, but nothing too severe. Ryuu’s strength grew immensely over the next three years as he performed what few missions were offered and spent the majority of time training. He was soon promoted to Chuunin. His eyes remained in the same state of two tomoe, but the young man slowly and haphazardly became proficient with the basic abilities given by the Dojutsu. Though unaware of the Dojutsu’s genjutsu potential in a more advanced form, Ryuu devoted his fighting style to integrating illusions into his bladework. The young man did not possess a huge amount of chakra, but it was more than sufficient for his style of fighting. Using his chakra control to its fullest, Ryuu found that he could enhance his speed as well as form numerous illusions in the minds of others. It was during this time he also devoted himself to mastering Fire. He succeeded and then moved onto Wind which he found much more difficult. [/i] [b]Today:[/b] [i]Ryuu is currently a Chuunin of Gobikagure, but he feels that he should have been promoted to Jounin a while back. He feels it is only the current Jounin’s desire to maintain control that prevents such a promotion. However, despite these feelings; Ryuu also recognizes that he has yet to truly create a jutsu that would mark him as an A-rank Shinobi. Ryuu feels stifled by the environment of Gobikagure and is considering becoming a missing-nin to find out more about the Sharingan. Furthermore, there is a deep rooted hatred in his heart for those who abused him. Thanks to his sharingan, he remembers every face. There is a sub-conscious desire to seek out these men and kill them. [/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Ryuu is intelligent and quiet. He is not quite antisocial, but his demeanor does not lend itself to many friends. He is ambitious and firmly holds a cynical view on life. Loyalty is a very fluid thing for him. Ryuu does not respond well to physical touch unless it is from a woman. He will ignore attempts at hand-shakes, high-fives, etc. from males and even females to a degree. Being touched without warning can cause him to react violently. -====- [u][b]Special Traits[/b][/u] [i]-Sharingan. As a descendant of the Uchiha Clan, Ryuu has activated the Sharingan to the second level. He is capable of copying most taijutsu and ninjutsu. He is also capable of seeing through B-rank through low A-rank illusions. He can follow fast movements easily and due to his own training can keep up with his reaction times. He currently does not have three-tomoe and as such is unable to perform the genjutsu provided by the sharingan. The more esoteric arts of the Dojutsu are completely unknown to him. -Tactician. Ryuu is naturally adept at combat strategy and maximizing team efficiency. His mind sees the best possible route to accomplish something on the battlefield. -Freezes up. Due to his past, coming into physical contact with men (whether combat or otherwise) will cause Ryuu to freeze up. The severity of this panic attack depends on the physical contact/man's demeanor. This is one of the primary reasons he focused upon blade work. -Disloyal. Ryuu is quite selfish and his only motivation for helping others is if it will benefit himself in the long run. His harsh upbringing and eventual death of his mother has left him entirely distrustful of others. He has no loyalty to Gobi as a whole. -Uncouth. Ryuu is somewhat unrefined when it comes to more delicate matters such as etiquette and formal meetings. This is due to his upbringing as a child of the night. -Moderate Chakra Capacity: Ryuu has neither low nor high chakra capacity for his age and skill. Considering his lack of high chakra, Ryuu has shied away from Ninjutsu as a specialty and focused on Genjutsu and Kenjutsu. That said, with his sharingan he has copied numerous jutsu though he is only actually able to perform one. He understands how these jutsus are performed, but is unable to actually use them himself.[/i] -====- [u][b]Equipment [/b][/u] [i]-Dual Wakizashi: Ryuu’s most prized possessions, his wakizashis are made from Chakra conducive metals. This metal allows him to augment the swords with elemental chakra. To conserve chakra, he avoids augmenting the swords unless he is going for a killing blow. These blades are sheathed upon his back and waist. They are named Kasai and Kaze respectively. -Soldier Pills -First Aid kit -Shuriken sealed into a tattoo on his left wrist. He saved for several months to have this done by a seal master outside of the village. -Bag which contains rations and camping materials[/i] -====- [u][b]Jutsu: [/b][/u] [b]Ninjutsu: [/b] [i]Name: Substitution Technique Rank: E Summary: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. Name: Clone Technique, Bunshin No Jutsu Rank: E Summary: A ninjutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance. Since the clone itself doesn't have the ability to attack, and thus can only be used to confuse the enemy, it is mainly used in combination with other ninjutsu. It's a basic technique, but depending on one's ingenuity, it can be used effectively. The clones may not dissipate when they come into contact with something. Name: Transformation Technique, Henge no Jutsu Rank: E Summary: This is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. Name: Great Fireball Technique, Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu Rank: C Summary: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface. Name: Element Blade, Yoso Burēdo no Jutsu Rank: B Summary: Ryuu uses his elemental chakra to run fire or wind along his blades. This has a low chakra cost, but requires immense control or it will lash out violently and potentially harm Ryuu. Also a lack of control would result in his chakra being drained to near exhaustion. The elemental chakra coats the blades for enhanced attacking power and offers extended reach; the blades are even more detrimental against wind or lightning styles depending upon whether Ryuu is using fire or wind respectively. Ryuu is currently working on learning how to combine Fire and Wind so that he can send both natures down the tantos at once. This would upgrade the technique to A-rank.[/i] [b]Taijutsu: [/b] [i]Taijustu:Ryuu is trained in basic Taijutsu stances, but do to his training in Kenjutsu his speed and strength is much greater than most non-taijutsu specialists Kenjutsu: Ryuu is an expert swordsman on the way to becoming a master. He has copied several sword styles and works daily to master them. During his training, he has discovered how to unlock the first Gate though he is unaware of the actual name for it. He merely believes it to be speed and strength granted by manipulating his chakra. Ryuu's style of swordsmanship is heavily integrated with his genjutsu. The young man will often use his genjutsu to alter depth perception such as the length, width, speed, or power of his blades. Ryuu's movements are typically very fast and fluid. The majority of his strikes are arcing strikes aimed to cut. Name: Dance of the Full Moon Rank: C Summary: A less powerful variant of Konoha's Dance of the Crescent Moon, the user creates two clones before proceeding to assault the enemy, with the clones attacking from the left and right and the user attacking from above. Weaving through the technique, Ryuu will attempt to land a fatal strike. If failing to do so, he will use the genjutsu employed by his blades to make it appear as though one of the clones managed to cut the opponent, tricking the senses into accepting the pain. Thereby making the opponent believe the clone to be an actual threat rather than illusion. [b]Genjutsu: [/b] [i]Name: Sword Illusion Technique, Ken no sakkaku Rank: D Summary: With this technique, Ryuu is able to cast Genjutsu without handsigns. Rather he uses the movements of his swords to cast Genjutsu. The Genjutsu typically takes the form of altering an opponent’s depth perception. Name: World of the Sword Technique, Ken no sekai Rank: B Summary: With this technique, Ryuu uses his wakizashi's to weave a powerful genjutsu. The genjutsu places the victim in an illusionary world. In this world, numerous blades are strewn upon the ground making it impossible to take a step without slicing one's feet. The greater danger is in the air. Butterflies with blades for wings quite nearly suffuse the air as they flit about. This genjutsu makes the victim feel as if their body under attack from a meat grinder. It follows the same rules as other genjutsu in regards to breaking free and lack of real world damage aside from mental. [b]Experimental Jutsu[/b] (These are jutsu that Ryuu is working on developing. A percentage is put showing how far he has to go until he is capable of using this jutsu in combat.) Name: Blade of Wind, Kaze no Yaiba Rank: A Summary: This technique is a pinpoint slashing strike, where the user emits chakra from their fingertips and materializes it into an near invisible weapon that assaults the enemy in a gust of wind. 5% Name: Blades of Hell, Jigoku no ha Rank: A Summary: This technique is the advanced form of Yoso Buredo (element blade). It adds both wind nature and fire nature to the blades which enhances their attacking power immensely. Manipulating his chakra, Ryuu can use the blades to send blasts of chakra at his opponents similar in nature to that of the Samurai in the Land of Iron. However this chakra is infused with fire and wind, making them much more potent. 5% Wind Mastery: Ryuu has been training the Wind element for a little over two months and is currently on the leaf cutting stage. He is currently able to cut a leaf about an eighth of the way through. Hence, most people will often seem him with a leaf in his hand if he is not doing more intensive training. He finds it frustrating that something is not coming easily to him for once. 10% [/i][/hider]