Just as moments quietly flew by,another pair of students made their way inside the office,looking dumbfounded once encountered Maiko and the others. One had headphones hung behind her neck like Maiko and another one with pink hair,casually pacing towards the couch inside the room without saying a word. 3 students then had the self-esteem to introduce themselves; Alois,the blondey,Conner,the strict teacher-like boy who obliged the others to call him "Heron" and Kirra,the girl with the black headphones. Maiko started making continuous slight nods of her head,implying as [i]Alright. I'll remember their names.[/i] As Kirra proceeded with her straight-forward question directing to Alois, Maiko slithered her way towards the couch and sat beside the pink-haired girl,shedding a small polite smile as they eyed each other.