The first, rather random thought Margaret had was 'oh great, someone again left the rotting rabbit in the cutlery cupboard'. The second was 'oh great, our flat got flooded again', because, as she came to, she could very distinctly feel water around her naked ankles. It would not be the first time. Only then, other things began to register. Like, the fact that, for some strange reason, she was standing in cool, sticky liquid. She blinked few times, trying to make anything out in the dark, but only vague shapes were visible. There was some kind of light, a yellow-green unnaturally tinted with red, but it seemed to have n source. Confused and liking the situation less and less by the seconds, Margaret turned around, making the mistake of disturbing the not-water she stood in. Immediately, a heavy, suffocating stench rose into the air, clogging girl's nose and throat with vile, oily taste. She stumbled forward, gripping blindly for the way, while her stomach convulsed. The smell was getting ten times worse with every step, and soon whatever illumination the eerie greenish light provided was blurred by the tears that pushed themselves to her eyes. Finally, her hand met the wall. And the wall, cold and slick, shuddered under her fingers. SHe didn't realise she was screaming and running until she lost her balance, and fell face first into the stinking liquid covering the floor. It tasted even worse than it smelled, and between the coughing, spitting and frantic scrubbing her face, Margaret did everything she could not to think about where it could come from, and trying to hold back tears at the same time. She wanted to go home [B]"You must be new around here..."[/B] a scratchin voice said suddenly right next to her ear, each consonants unnaturally mechanical. The girl scrambled away, another scream getting lost somewhere between sharp inhale and small hiccup, but the area around her was empty, as much as she could tell in the overwhelming shade. "Who is there?!" MArgaret squeaked, not caring how she sounded. She tried looking around for the owner of the voice, but without result. [B]"Well, soon it will be again only me if you don't keep it down."[/B] the voice sounded somewhere between amused and irritated. [B]"You really are not the sharpest tool, are you."[/B] "SHUT UP!" she screamed properly this time, covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut, but even despite that she heard a distinct sounds of someone walking through the liquid, splashing it loudly without much care. Clearly coming this way, too [B]"Now you've done it, I hope you're proud of yourself."[/B] voice scoffed, and Margaret could almost see it turning its head away with a huff. She scrambled to her feet, no longer caring for the smell, and began running. Somehow, she could tell the voice was still following her, even if it was silent for the moment. She run for too long to remember, bumping into walls, falling over and getting up again. While passive at first, after some time the voice began giving small hints - left now, centre at the nearest crossroads, duck or leave your head on lowered ceiling. It didn't seem to care, exactly, but Margaret was not going to say a word to any help she could get in this horrible place. Still, no matter how long she run, and how well she followed the voice's directions, whatever was after her seemed to get closer with every moment. Finally, completely out of strength, she fell against a wall, breathing heavily. She could tell the voice was hovering near by. The walls were now trembling with each step of the incoming assailant. [B]"I guess that's it, then."[/B] the voice sighed, clearly disappointed. [B]"Damn pity, it was most fun I had in ages. This place is bound to get boring again..."[/B] "Wait" the girl managed to cough out, fighting to get her breathing under control. "If you know this place so well, can you help me get out? You have to know some way!" The voice hmmed, as if considering. [B]"Well, there is a certain way, but I'm not sure. It would take a lot out of me..."[/B] Margaret's head shot up, in direction the hesitant words were coming from. "Oh god, can you really help me? Please, just take me away from here, and I'll do anything you want." [B]"Oh, I don't know, I mean, I would be the one doing all the work. No payment, no compensation... I would need something in return, to make it up for the effort." [/B]If she was in better state, or even really listened to the voice, Margaret could perhaps tell that it filled with tension at the last words. Like something great depended on the next answer, even if the words themselves contradicted it. "Anything! Anything you want, just take me away from here and from that thing!" [B]"Then we have a deal!"[/B] The voice announced with unholy glee.[B] "My name is Sardhed, and my price is something I can't find here. Something meaningful. Something big. What will it be?"[/B]