As Kevin spoke, the man flanking Tony stared blatantly at him. His mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if he should. He had no idea what the man was talking about, but he knew. He knew this was the man he was looking for, right in front of him. Nothing else mattered; not the rain, not the uncomfortable way his stolen clothes clung to him, not the soggy feeling in his boots. Because the man was [i]right there[/i] and he had to finish his mission. The nameless man hesitated before taking a step forward, his eyes slightly wider, almost surprised. "You're the one I'm looking for," He said bluntly. "I have to take you somewhere." It took a moment for Kevin to fully realize what was going on. Was this him? Well, that would explain the boots. Though further examination of the man before him would indeed fit him into the profile of the agent. They had the same height, the same size and they had the same eyes. This was him. Clenching his teeth, Kevin took a step back and titled his head for a moment. "You ruined my favorite jacket..." He clenched his fists. "Let's just end this..." The agent seemed to be tapped out on explosives and was unarmed. Unless he had managed to hide a weapon in those tight clothes, there were no surprises except the fact that he looked like he did. Kevin produced his knife and gracefully twirled it between his fingers, his eyes meeting the agent's. Jacket? By the furrowed brow, it was safe to say that the man had no idea what Kevin was talking about. He was about to ask when the Kevin pulled out a knife and twirled it. The nameless man tensed and took a step back. He hadn't exactly thought about the man being dangerous. Although he remembered being shoved into an electrified puddle, he didn't know the exact circumstances. The idea of a fight had somehow not crossed his confused mind. He didn't even have a weapon. Maybe if he just talked to the guy... "I don't know where we have to go," He admitted, "But I know it's important." His eyes lingered on the blade. "It would be easier if you put that away." There was some sense of honor in Kevin's heart, mainly not attacking an unarmed man who didn't seem to want to fight. Perhaps it was a stupid desicion but he wasn't defenceless simply because he'd be unarmed. So be it. With a heavy sigh, Kevin returned the blade to place and crossed his arms. "Have you malfunctioned or something?" That was a plausible theory as he had been pushed into an electrified puddle. "You know you need to find me...but you don't know where we're supposed to go." It wasn't quite a question, but rather Kevin trying to understand the circumstances. "You tried to kill me a few times today, ring a bell?" The man's claim took him by surprise. He hadn't tried to kill anyone, had he? "I woke up," He said, his voice sounding as if he were trying to convince himself as much as Kevin. "I was- There were bodies next to me. I don't know how I got there but..." His head was starting to hurt again. He paused to clench his teeth and wipe his face with his hand. Why did it hurt when he tried to remember? What happened before he woke up in that alley? "No. I didn't. I didn't kill anyone," His voice was softer this time. There was emotion behind it, as if he was slowly realizing how wrong he was. "No." Kevin responded, shrugging. "You didn't kill anyone in that alley. No clue who you killed before you came to dance with me but there? No, no killing." He really had lost it. While Kevin was an impulsive individual, he wasn't stupid. His many years on earth had taught him a thing or two and this guy seemed to have been brainwashed beyond measure. How else could one describe the sudden change in demeanor and the memory loss caused by electrical currents? The Weapon X Program wasn't really filled with moral people and this guy, he seemed to be the product of their insanity and Viper's blood. "Do you know your name?" Kevin continued. Name? He didn't have a name. The man still seemed stuck on the idea of himself killing someone when Kevin asked. He shook his head, eyes staring off at a point in the road ahead of them. But then, what had he been called? There was something. A number. He'd heard it so many times, it was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't grasp it. "No," He finally answered, sounding a bit defeated. Then he felt a surge of frustration. "What about you?" He asked, looking up. His eyes focused on the man before him. "Why did I have to find you? What's so important about you? Where is it that I have to take you?" He was determined now; he had to know. He was missing everything; his mind was a blank slate and every time he tried to fill it in, he was punished with another throb in his skull. Kevin was about to respond with something witty but decided to leave it, and instead throw this guy a bone. He seemed to have been through a lot and even an enemy can deserve a break from time to time. Besides, this was just no fun. This wasn't the hunt Viper can been expecting, this was just a broken, lost man. "You know what? I'm gonna' go ahead and tell you everything, and then do what you will with the information. If you choose to pick up your hunt, I will shove a sword through your metallic heart. If not, you can go and do whatever you want. I won't come after you." The Asian shrugged, placing his hand by his hip as he continued to speak. "Alright. So you're working for a bunch of psychos who want my blood to create more of you." He motioned to the agent. "I was captured at one point and held for six months in that hellhole, chained to the wall in a cell." The memories of such a time wasn't something he'd want to revisit, but perhaps his words could make a difference for this man. "I don't know your story, but from the looks of it, they pumped you full of my blood and here you are. If they get their hands on me again, there will be an army of you and that would be quite annoying." Kevin reached up and scratched his nose. "To sum it up, the Weapon X Program builds super soldiers and I am a sought after ingredient. You're their errand boy, out to get me back to base. That's your purpose to them, I guess. You do their dirty work. You and I are very much enemies but from this point on, it's on you. I can be your enemy or not, whatever suits you." Kevin finished with a shrug of his shoulders. The man stared at Kevin with a slack jaw. He looked doubtful. Surely he would have remembered all this. If he...if he was some kind of super powered soldier, why was he standing here in wet sweatpants and a shirt he'd pulled out of a trash bag? Still, the man in front of him seemed pretty sure of this notion. He glanced back at the girl that was still standing off to the side, then back at Kevin. "Can about this? Somewhere else?" He felt a tight, icy fist grasping his stomach and giving it a twist. What if this man was right? What if he [i]did[/i] work for some kind of evil company? What the hell had he just woken up to? He needed to get things straight, and this guy was the best bet he had. He needed to sit down, to talk about this somewhere other than the middle of the road in the rain. He could see a tinge of light rising in the east; the sun coming up. If what this man said was true, then there may be people looking for them. He didn't really want to be around when they came. "Alright." Kevin responded, turning to look behind them. "I have a motel room not too far from here. We can talk there if you're eager to speculate, though I've given you everything I have to say. I don't know anything else." He finished, putting his hands in his pockets. He'd prefer the agent to walk next to him or in front of him, but he stood besides the other man as they started to walk. "You know..." Kevin rubbed his chin. "You remind me of someone...some guy who got...shot..." He stopped, looking at 32 with a raised eyebrow before it hit him. Damn, he knew he had seen this face before somewhere. It was all over the news. " were shot...on stage." In the heart, no less. That would describe his apparatus. "You were some kind of mutant activist, people seemed to like you. Joshua...or something..." He kept walking, though the name didn't really come to mind. Kevin spoke as they walk, talking about something the man had no idea of. An activist, being shot. It [i]kind[/i] of rung a bell. He got a flash of something; he was on a roof, a sniper rifle lined up with a speaker on stage, the laser pointer over the man's heart.... No, wait. That wasn't how it went. He was talking. He was looking at a large crowd, and talking about something, then, he was on his back. There was pain, and blood. So much blood. The man stopped in his tracks, letting out a pained hiss as he held onto his head as if he skull would split in two. He bent his head down, facing the ground for a while until the pain slowly crept away again. That had been the worst one yet. Maybe he should stop trying to remember to past and start working on what was ahead of him. "I don't know what you're talking about," He finally said as he began to walk again. "Eh, I might be wrong, then." But the man did have memory loss and the sudden head ache that just hit him like a fist didn't do him any favors in sounding believable. However, Kevin decided to leave it as it was. There was no need to dig around in this man's head, at least not like this. They seemed to have done enough of that. The rest of the trip was rather quiet. Though it'd be a funny scene. A monk, an Asian teen and a hobo walking down the street, it was as if the start of a joke. Before long they'd stand before the motel entrance and Kevin lead the crew up to his room before he let them in. As usual the owner glared at him and shook his head. "Well, I won't be staying here for much longer." Kevin commented, closing the door behind them.