[quote=Pasta Sentient] Character Sheet [/quote] Ugh, how I destest [i]Shunshin[/i]. Now, with that out of my system (since I can't do anything about it anyways), lets get to work *cracks knuckles* First of all, I'm gonna start with the last point on the list; the jutsu. Your character is a master of ninjutsu, taijutsu (since kenjutsu is technically taijutsu) [i]and[/i] genjutsu. These three kinds of jutsu require three different sets of "skills" to master. Ninjutsu takes lots of chakra and/or chakra control (to short it down), taijutsu takes physcial stamina, strenght and or speed (again, to short it down) and genjutsu takes chakra control, concentration and, well, intelligence/creativity. What I am trying to say is... well... Another thing about your jutsu is the fact that he already uses two elements (fire and earth), as well as him training a third element (lightning). Now, Uchiha have a natural affinity towards fire, we all know that, so that is no surprise and Sasuke had a natural affinity for lightning, as well. However, it is [i]very[/i] rare for a shinobi to have dual natural affinity (affinity to two different elements) and even more for them to so easily master [i]three[/i] (and I say "so easily" because he is only seventeen). This, coupled with the fact that he is an "expert swordsman" and a genjutsu user, really makes my "Gary Stu" sirens go off. Well, actually, I'm just gonna start off with that and wait for your reply. No matter what, I am going to have to wait for my voice of reason (AKA, Halvtand) before I make any real decisions. [quote=Stranger] Did you ever get to read Ayame's CS? [/quote] I did, actually. I have read it through a few times, in fact. I feel like I've seen this character before, but I cannot remember where/when for the life of me. Is she a remake of another character of yours from before the Apocalypse(AKA, The OldGuild)? I'm not a fan of the A-rank genjutsu technique. Generally, I'm not a fan of A-rank techniques for a chuunin. A-rank techniques require years of training (unless you're Sasuke or Naruto who magically master them in a few days through sheer power of will). Also, I don't feel that the drawback is great enough for a technique that could potentially kill someone without them really having a chance to fight back (since breaking free of genjutsu is actually quite hard). I have to say, I very much dislike the "split personality" thing she's got going on. I know that it's a bit part of her character and that without it, she becomes a bit generic, but it just really irks me. But as I told Pasta Sentinent, I'll have to wait for Halvtand before I make my final decision, because according to him (and my other narutards from before the Apocalypse), I am [i]very[/i] picky and he functions as my voice of reason.