[center]16[/center] --- [i]Tenebra[/i], so this was the continent where the famed University of Sages was based. The Sapientis Aqua stood over the small tidal wave that made it's way across the bay toward land, her seafoam-green eyes looking for a suitable place to beach herself. In all honesty she did not wish to leave the sea as being on land felt out of sorts to her, almost like a land walker being in the ocean. But the summons had come for her to go to the University, and the nymphs were anything if not willing to get behind a prophecy. The girl looked behind her at the grand ship that floated not one nautical mile away, knowing that she would not see her homeland under the water for quite some time. It was funny that the nymphs were so keen to pounce on prophecies, like it were some type of international gossip, and yet they didn’t even play by the rules. She thought of Geneve, of whom the letter called upon, and the fact that Queen Raina openly rejected the request and had sent Calixta instead. Miss Ethridge finally spotted a nice sandy beach on the darkened landscape. As she came closer to land her wave diminished back into the sea and she casually extended her foot out to touch solid ground. At first she had to gain her land legs, the feeling of solid mass beneath her left her stomach feeling uneasy, but after a few moment the sensation passed and she looked around to gather her bearings. The small nymph had not been back on these shores since that fateful day when she had lost her betrothed to the demons. Ahead was a forested area quite like the one where she and Acheron had been camping in when the demons had attacked. Just looking at it made her stomach feel even more queasy, and she idly shook her head and looked down, struggling not to let the feeling of sickness take her. In front of her was a stone path that looked to be heavily used, and she wasted no time in setting upon the trail. Her companion, the white peacock named Garon, squawked lively at her and ruffled his feathers, bothered by the small amount of seawater that had landed on him. “Hush, Garon, you spoiled fowl. I have no idea why Raina gave you to me, but if you don’t stop with that incessant bird-calling, I may have to cease my vegetarianism and eat you.” Calixta gave him a stern look as if he could understand her, and he simply looked back as though daring her to actually eat him. She sighed. “Fine, fine, you’re right. Go ahead, I’ll put my knife and fork away…” To any other nymph, the journey would’ve been long and arduous as many were not accustomed to the feel of physical work, especially the women. But Calixta was special in that way, a seasoned traveler who knew her way around most anything. The emptiness of the path kept her observant and wary, but she doubted she would encounter the dangers of Tenebra in broad daylight...that is, if this was to be even called daylight. In comparison to Nymphe, the sun shone with meager light, and it was a depressing thought to be trapped on a nation that seemed so [i]dark[/i]. But then, that was the reason the demon race made it their home. She walked along, pangs of sadness piercing her heart as she saw the subtle reminders of this this exact day, 14 years ago. Was it her mind playing tricks on her? The air seemed to grow thicker, the sky a bit darker and a clash of blades could be heard in the distance. The clanging grew louder, a sound that seemed to follow Calixta even as she sped up her pace, finally bringing her to a run. A snarl of a foreign voice sounded in her ears, a nasty laugh ringing in her mind. Sweat broke out on her brow, her muscles strained to keep the same pace and a dull ache developed in her calves. “Run, Calixta!” The voice, the voice! It seemed to appear out of a distant dream, one that she had not heard in many years. Such a sweet, sweet sound, though filled with terror. “Acheron?” she breathed out loud, whipping head in either direction to find him. Where was he? “Acheron!” she called louder, trying to fight the sounds of clashing swords with her words. She saw no one but the dark skin of the demons who chased her, the demons who were slowly gaining distance on her. An arm reached out blindly to grasp her love, and she found him; she grasped his hand, pulling him with her. She couldn’t lose him now! They were going to make it. They would make it through this together as they always had. Then in an instant, a third demon dropped down in front of her, a fiery glint in his eyes. Calixta drew her knives, putting them to use for the very first time. One demon went down...who had killed him? Then there was Acheron, yelling for her to use the power that she was forbidden to use on Nymphe. But she couldn’t, not when Acheron would risk getting damaged by it too. A second demon fell, this time by her own hand. Yes, they would make it out alive! A third figure fell beside her and she put down her weapons, exhausted from the fighting. A blood curdling scream left Calixta’s lips. Acheron lay on the road, a wet spot on his chest darkening as his life’s blood seeped out and soaked his clothing. Calixta sunk to the ground, cradling his head in her hands and letting her tears fall to the ground. “Acheron, you can’t leave me...Not when we can finally have each other. Take me with you, I beg you.” Sobs wracked her chest horribly as she held him...her love, her partner for eternity, who was ripped away from her as fast as fate had brought them together. She stood then, anger welling up in her chest and making a pit at the bottom of her stomach that was filled with rage and disgust for the demon who killed him. Yet when she looked up, there was no one. Absolutely no one. Calixta was out of breath, panting and sobbing still, and struggling to take air into her lungs. Where was everyone? The assailants, the blood of nymph and demon mixed together on the ground, and...and Acheron. The image of his loving eyes burned itself into her memory, a look that seemed so distant before but had been brought up by this horrid land. She could almost feel his hand in hers again, the rush of the wind as they ran together, and leaden feel in her arms as her weapons weighed them down. But that was all gone now, all except the emptiness in her heart, the pangs of loneliness like a layer of salt on a wound. A familiar squawk made the small woman jump violently, and she focused her eyes on the white peacock in front of her. It looked to be angry over something, possibly her, and it pecked her lightly on the shoulder and squawked even louder once more, then waddled off further down the path. Calixta looked ahead, surprised that the entrance to the capital was already in viewing distance. She began walking to the entrance of the City with a heavy heart, her tears drying on her face as she tried to find her way to the Courtyard as fast as possible without running. She hadn't expierenced her love's death so vivdly in such a long time that the effects of it had tired her out, but also made her warry of her surroundings once again. When she finally made it into the city, she avoided making contact with any Demons that were walking the streets. Finally, she came across the Dragon's Gate after hours of walking and wasted no time in getting through. When the gate opened before her, she was greeted by the scene of four different races standing in front of the Fountain. Strange, this hexagon shaped place was. She hadn't ever thought that something so pretty could exist on such a desolate continent. Not bothering with such a formal greeting, she stepped forward and made note of the races: human, elf, another elf, and...another human? It was difficult to understand what this one was because he looked like human but she felt the rage that all demons seemed to give her. Walking toward the group, she plastered a friendly smile on her face and opened her mouth to make an introduction. But, rather than presenting her name, she noticed the pair of hands interlocked between the almost-human and the elf. "Are you two betrothed as well?" Calixta looked up in surprise. Summer looked down at her hand and noticed that it was still in Aravan's. Immediatly a blush bloomed across her cheeks, causing her scar to become more noticable and she released his hand and neatly folded her arms in front of her. "No Ma'am," Summer murmured, "I had helped him up." "Oh," the nymph responded, crossing her arms over chest after removing the hood of her deep violet traveling cloak. "Anyway, my name is Calixta Ethridge...from Nymphe!"