[hider=App V2][b]Real Life Name:[/b] Eika Munashii [b]Soul Story Name:[/b] The Imagineer [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/042/6/0/vorpal_blade_by_chiaku-d5ukclx.jpg]Oversized Knife[/url] [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Kill The Queen [b]Class:[/b] [u]Mastermind[/u] - [i]A being that has learned to take the limits of their mind and break them in order to create supernatural phenomenon around them. Instead of using Mana or Energy, Masterminds use their own Sanity to fuel their abilities in combat. While good in initial fights, their minds will degrade as time goes on, placing them in a "Sanity Break" status if their Sanity Meter hits below 20% of their maximum and rendering them in a "magical berserk" state in which they will begin using their own HP to fuel their abilities at the benefit of abilities doing x1.5 the amount of damage. Alternatively, their SP will begin to regenerate 5% of their maximum SP for every turn that they do not use an ability that costs SP. Their weapons function off of their Intelligence rather than Strength, but are usually used for the purpose of channeling trinkets rather than fighting -- hence the excessive amounts of adornment that a traditional Mastermind weapon sports as they grow in power.[/i] The Imagineer begins with 150 SP at level 1, and gains 50 SP every fifth and tenth level. -[b]Example Skill Tree:[/b] - [u]Black Thought:[/u] Sanity is drained in order to create negative energy that backlashes at an opponent and inflicts a random status ailment. (The status ailment will up to the GM, and instances such as Death or Doom are not capable of being inflicted.) SP Cost: 30 || Type: Magical - [u]White Vision:[/u] By converting her Sanity into white particles, The Imagineer places positive energy into her own body, casting Haste and Regen (allows her to gain 5% of her maximum health every post.) upon herself. SP Cost: 50 || Type: Magical - [u]Breakdown:[/u] Using Sanity in an unstable manner, The Imagineer lets out a shriek that causes all those around who hear to become inflicted with Stop if their agility is not as high as hers (functions off of base stat, includes bonuses from items and armor, excludes bonuses from spells.) SP Cost: 40 || Type: Magical - [u]Insomnia:[/u] By channeling her Sanity into a trick of the eyes, enemies are inflicted with Sleep -- or begin to receive damage over time if they are not inflicted with the status ailment for three turns. SP Cost: 40 || Type: Magical [b]Soul Attack:[/b] [u]Doomsday[/u] - [i]The Imagineer uses up as much of her Sanity as possible until she reaches a Sanity Break in order to create pillars around her created of an unrecognizable energy (non-elemental). As the pillars brings targets closer to Imagineer, she charges up her own body and fires an energy beam downwards followed by a punch to the pillars and causes them to form a tornado around her.[/i] [b]Avatar Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i44.tinypic.com/33n9nuv.jpg]The Imagineer[/url] The Imagineer -- "Imagine" for short, stands at 5'7'', weight seemingly irrelevant for the sake of game logic not giving a flying fuck, and is rather pale in comparison to most. Her frame is lithe, giving her the frame to run around and dodge hits but not quite the type to take too may hits on her own. Her hair -- long as it is -- is a pure onyx that brushes just past her waist while violet orbs fluctuate as a part of the game's mechanic in trying to make things "flashy". Her wear consists of a black mini-dress with matching stockings that lay underneath a white jacket decorated with black straps and leather over parts of the arms. Her shoes are heeled, bumping her height up by a few inches, and have decorations on the sides that make it seem as if they have "golden wings"on them as she walks or run. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet. Cynical. Negative. All traits that could describe her well. Eika is a rather...well, the word downer could do it well. She sees the consequences of things, rather than the rewards that could be gained, and points them out without hesitation when things are about to go down. Beyond that, she is stubborn in her personality, making it a little hard to change her mind on things that might be needed to be changed in order to ensure that she'll give her 100% on it. But, it could also be said that because of this stubborn side, that she just DOES NOT STOP when she starts. Not even when her life is in danger. So yes, she could be seen as deathseeker in gaming terms, going straight for the mobs if she's been convinced into it, or staying right on out while everyone else gets massacred. But she isn't ALL bad. She likes fluffy things. She's still capable of getting shy around people that mess up her way of living -- you know, those overly social people. She's as much the cool, collected woman as she is the inner kid keeping her distance from all of the big, serious adults in a sense. Contradicting? Oh, absolutely. But she's a contradiction within herself as a whole. Thusly, expect her to be the first to jump on a chance to ride a giant yellow chicken around if they give her the option. She won't say it...But new updates and games are what she loves the most. [/hider] [hider=Updates!] [hider2=Quests Complete] 7/13: Completed [u]Our Way or the Highway![/u] [/hider2] Level Up Complete! - [u]Superiority:[/u] Counter ability. When attacked in melee with a basic attack or special ability, Imagineer cancels it out by grabbing hold of the attacker's face and transmitting explosive energy into her hand to send them spiraling outwards whilst turning her body into a cloud of butterflies to relocate away from them. If an enemy attacking her is larger than she can grasp (I.E. A Dragon), the explosive energy will detonate against wherever her hand managed to touch them. SP Cost: 60 || Type: Melee, Counter, Magical || Cooldown: This ability can only be used once every four posts. [/hider]