[i]The only thing worse than trying to convince my team mates that I’m fine is trying to find a new costume.[/i] Phil crossed out the drawing he was working on. It showed a vaguely humanoid shape, little more than a thick stick figure, clad in what was supposed to be golden armor. [i]This is never going to work,[/i] Phil thought, balling up the sketch, throwing it across the room. It bounced off the Helm of Nabu sitting in the corner. Phil thought back, almost two years ago now, to when he first saw it. Little did he know what that golden helmet would mean for his life. When he had put it on, Nabu explained how the newest in a long line of Lords of Order was a scrawny college student. Now, Nabu was trying to take over his body. Suddenly, the yellow alarm went off. [i]I guess I’ll just have to go with plan B,[/i] Phil thought, pulling on a gold exercise shirt and black pants and rushing down the hall. Magnus, Killian, and Gabe were already geared up in the hall. “What’s the trouble?” Phil asked his team mates.