Aeden fell rather ungracefully and came up sputtering, completely unprepared for his sudden swim. After catching his breath, he smirked at the princess. "Why, Eve, I do believe you may have missed a spot while washing up. Let me get that for you~." He scooped up some of the water nearby and started a splash fight, soon forgetting about the difficult situation they were still in. A little while later, he eventually realized that he had gotten completely distracted and that they should probably get going. A little more time had passed than he had thought, based on how much further the sun had risen into the sky. At least they had gotten a nice break, though. And they were definitely cleaner than before. He climbed out of the water and offered a hand to the princess to help her out as well. "I hope it stays warm today, we'll probably need it," he laughed. "Still, perhaps you should wrap up in your cloak for now, Princess. It wouldn't be good for you to catch a chill."