[hider=axes on chains fuck yeah] [b]Name:[/b] Hayashimoto Daiken [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] people just call him Dai usually [b]Gender:[/b] very male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Age Appearance:[/b] probably much older, at least twenty [b]Sexuality:[/b] Dai appreciates strength, and he's found gender doesn't matter to him that much, those rare times he's thought about it. Nor does sexuality, really. -====- [b][u]Loyalty[/u][/b] [b]Village:[/b] Gobigakure no Sato – The Village Hidden at the End [b]Birthplace:[/b] the woods just by the village [b]Organization:[/b] still the same village -====- [b][u]Ninja Information[/u][/b] [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] using 'clan' to describe the Hayashimoto is a bit much. It's only Dai and his father. Neither of them have manifested a Bloodline Limit, but they have been patiently and for some time developing a unique fighting style: Kusarifukin, Chain Ax. As the name might suggest (his father isn't the most imaginative individual), the Kusarifukin style relies on using chains to trip and unbalance the opponent, then swooping in with an ax for the finishing blow. It is a particular style that, though quite complex, proves versatile at both close and mid range. [b]Rank:[/b] chuunin [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] doton (earth) -====- [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [b]Body Type and Shape:[/b] Dai is large, very large. Some might venture as far as defining him 'towering'. Some people tell him he's scary, but he has no idea where that comes from. [b]Height:[/b] more or less 6ft, 182cm [b]Weight:[/b] 154 lbs - 70kg [b]Hair Color:[/b] red-gold, like a wheat field late afternoon. [b]Hair Style:[/b] very shiny and properly groomed. It reaches to his waist. [b]Eye Color:[/b] vivid as the deepest parts of the forest, wild as the beasts within it. [b]Clothing:[/b] -====- [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [b]Background:[/b] [i]Sweat poured off of Daiken's back. The sun beat onto the ground. He smelled dirt. Birds trilled. The ax fell. The sun beat onto the ground, birds trilled. The ax rose. A slight wind snaked through the grass. Flies buzzed. The ax fell again. He found such monotony comforting. The weight of the ax was solid in his hands, and constant. Each time it bit into the wood he was satisfied. His days were uneventful, but he always knew what was going to happen tomorrow, and that was enough. The ax rose. "Daiken." The ax hesitated, and stopped. Daiken put it down and turned around. His father was sitting on a tree-trunk, looking at him intently. "Daiken," he repeated. "You're what, eleven now? Thirteen?" "Dad, I'm ten." "Close enough!" His usual jovial expression showed, but it vanished just as quickly, revealing the same intensity as before. "I think it's about time I teach you what the ninja is." Daiken blinked. This was new. "Like you?" Dad nodded. "Like me, but maybe better. I spent a great part of my life protecting this village, but listen to me well, Daiken." He leaned forward, and so did Daiken. "It wasn't worth it." "Protecting the village? I thought you liked it!" "No, well," he looked embarassed, "that wasn't put very well, I'll admit it. After all those years, I still haven't found my purpose. Chopping trees is well and good, but you can do better. More! What I couldn't do. Find your own purpose." "I like chopping trees though." "You'll be able to chop even greater trees, away from here. Mightier trees than those that grow normally. The mightiest trees. But you'll have to find them. That is what the ninja does." "Find trees?" Daiken was puzzled. "I thought they protected the village." "No no no," said his father. "Well yes, they do protect the village. But that is not the purpose of the ninja. The ninja is one who has been given the tools to seek out his path. It is his task to seek out his path." "And what about the trees?" "I don't know." He laughed. "That is your path, which only you can walk. As a ninja, you'll be able to go places you couldn't go otherwise, do things normally impossible. You'll be able to find the tallest trees. It'll be a difficult road, but the better ninja you become walking the path, the easier it becomes." "Alright." Daiken didn't sound convinced. "Dammit son!" His father stood, fire in his eyes. "Become a ninja, and fell the mightiest trees in the land!" "How will I find them?" His father's excitement seemed to be contagious. "You'll recognize them once you see them. Remember this: the ninja walks his own path, strength and skill are merely the tools. Now go out and find those trees!" "Alright!" [/i] [b]Today:[/b] [i]Spinning the chain, Daiken whirled the ax above him. Flexing his wrist, he sent it flying towards a tree-trunk. It bit just above the roots. He tried pulling it back, but stumbled. Daiken narrowed his eyes. The trunk was covered in cuts, but he hadn't manage to make it hit in the same place twice -- nor were they deep enough. It had been some time since his father's impromptu speech, but the words were burned into him. What he was doing now, too, was monotonous, but Daiken felt it as a different kind of monotony. No longer was he chopping trees simply to chop trees. He knew that with each trunk chopped, new treelines beckoned. Taller trees. Daiken spun the chain again.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Daiken is a boisterious individual. At a table, or in a group, he will be the loudest voice and the most appreciative stomach. He will always try to involve people in the conversation (that he is usually leading), and doesn't like seeing people left out. He's the kind of individual to root for the underdog. Part of this may be due to his self-confidence. Daiken knows he's not the underdog, and that he is thus in a position to root for it. Perhaps he thinks a bit too highly of himself, and is prone to make claims he can't back up, especially around individuals he admires. Coversely, left to his own devices, Daiken is quiet, brooding. He'll stare off into the distance, and if someone interrupts him, he'll mutter something about trees, then hasitly change the subject, start chattering. To be honest, he prefers being with other people, so that he can get away from his own thoughts. They tend to be rather invasive. Sometimes they don't let him sleep, either. When that happens, he'll seek the tallest spot he can and sit there, staring at the sky. -====- Special Traits Strong Daiken is strong both physically and confident in his own strength. It is hard to shake him. Dependable If you have a problem, Daiken will do his best to solve it. Once he's made good friends, he'll stick with them through fire and flame. His first approach is to take an ax to it, of course, but if that doesn't work, he's rather patient. He's good at understanding the strengths of others, but his opinion of himself is a bit flawed, which sometimes brings complications. Blunt While friendly and open, ask him a question, and expect him to speak what's on his mind. He's been brought up to consider honesty the only way, so Daiken doesn't even consider the consequences. This also can sometimes bring complications. He always feels bad if he inadvertedly hurts someone, though. Can't lie Not even to save his life. If he tries, he'll stare upwards and fidget violently. It just doesn't work. Combat is Serious Business When he has to fight, he does not laugh, nor does he take it lightly. In combat he's a positional fighter: constantly analyzing the opponent and trying to either undermine their position, or strengthen his. Daiken's unconventional fighting style forces him to do this, as one miscalculation could be very bad. -====- [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] Chain-ax Daiken's trusty Kusarifukin. He weilds it in multiple ways. Either he holds the ax in one hand, chain in the other, or he spins the ax with the chain. The chain is relatively thick, and several meters long. When not drawn, it is slung on his hip. -====- [b][u]Jutsu:[/u][/b] [b]Ninjutsu:[/b] Name: Transformation Technique, Henge no Jutsu Rank: E Summary: This is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. Name: Substitution Technique Rank: E Summary: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. Name: Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique Rank: D Summary: This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. In addition, they can start another attack Name: Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Technique Rank: C Summary: This technique is used for sneaking and striking silently, like a fish underwater, and then suddenly appearing to the ground's surface. [b]Taijutsu:[/b] Daiken is deceptively fast, and rather agile (he's had to fish with his hands, and hunt deer). He is also strong, very strong (this can't be stressed enough). His stamina is good, and his concentration is excellent. [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Koutetsu no Hebi (Steel Snake) [b][u]Classification[/u][/b] Bukijutsu [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] C rank [b][u]Effect:[/u][/b] Daiken controls the chain with his chakra, allowing for far greater versatility and speed in its usage, as well as giving him a free hand. [b][u]Drawback:[/u][/b] the amount of concentration required for this technique is considerable. If he wavers, the chain will flop to the ground. [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Ki Choppaa (Tree Chopper) [b][u]Classification[/u][/b] Bukijutsu [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] C rank [b][u]Effect:[/u][/b] Daiken focuses chakra in his legs to spin his ax like a madman. Anything that gets hit will be [i]very[/i] choppaa'd. [b][u]Drawback:[/u][/b] concentration, and also, while he's spinning, it's almost impossible to get out of it. If an opponent manages to somehow get a counterstrike in he'll have a hard time defending. [b]Genjutsu:[/b] Lack of fine chakra control prevents him from having developed any particular illusionary techniques. [/hider]