She has been here before. Oh, yes she has. What is this corridor lit by candles; an orange glow flickering with giggling naughty intent, what is this place that smells of lilacs, lavender and lust? A nervous toss of raven hair over a bare shoulder, wispy ends tickling at her neck, but oh, she wishes that it was not her own hair ticking her there. She has been here before. Oh, yes she has. Bare feet, pale on top yet dirty like a hidden desire underneath bring her along the dusty dark corridor. She skips along, a single hand tracing along the grooves between the bricks of drab concrete. That single hand holding two fingers extended, aching and trembling to trace the groove of another kind. She has been here before. Oh, yes she has. White teeth, just the top ones, bite hard down upon a pink lower lip as noisy breath exhales from her nose and throat, hot and ragged; oh but anticipation makes her heated and, oh so tingly! Her breathing intensifies, breasts heaving up and down neath her night shirt, short, but muscular legs bringing her along, a hip bumps out with each step. There is moisture in the air, thick and unbearable just like the throb neath her rainbow tie-dyed shirt. The candles flicker suddenly as she lets out a gasp. The smell of the lilacs, lavender, melting wax, dust and desire overcome her when she sees the other girl standing in front of her. They had been planning this for months. They had been plotting their escape from their homes and daily lives just so they could be together. Alone. And in love. And deeply entranced by each others scent. Tamara Jane rushes the other girl, strong arms out extended, mouth already opening, lips and tongue ready to taste a love unlike any other she will ever know. The instant they touch and Tamara Jane is already bursting at the seams with pleasures and ecstasy aroused in her like she had never ever known. The embrace is strong. The kiss is stronger. The heat from the explosion of what happens next-- --------- --is complete and utter agony. She can't look away. She just can't. She knows the other girl's name. She knows those eyes. Those bulging eyes. Those eyes panic-stricken and desperate to keep living. There is no sound coming from the mouth of the thrashing tan-skinned girl; only the crazed froth and spittle that makes it past her tongue and lips. The hands at the neck of the dying girl. Those rainbow painted tipped nails... she know they belong to her. And behind them, the candles have been knocked over, the lilacs are mouldy and baren, the lavender is being eaten by fat, bulbous wet worms and the the desire... the lust... it is painted upon the walls in streaks of wet brown and red. Fire catches a stray cloth. There is no desire nor lust. Only murder. Murder. Murder. “You're killing her! You're killing her!!!! Stop it! STOP!!!!” The owner of the rainbow painted fingertips still shakes and throttles the dying girl, the oh so once, beautiful and... loving...? dark eyed girl. Yes, she is killing her.[i] Admit it, TamTam, it's you that's killing her![/i] “I have to! I have to!!!” “No. No you don't... listen to me. Tamara Jane. TJ. TamTam. Tamsie-girl... listen to me... you don't...” Sky blue eyes, that she knows she owns, scans around desperately, but the terrible sight everything on fire and the sight of a lovely, lovely victim still fills her vision. “I have to! Doncha understand,” says her own voice, tinny and distant, but filled with burning frustration and high-pitched desperation nonetheless, “she's leaving me! She just can't leave me!!! Doncha' understand!!!! I have to! I have to ki--” “No. No you dont... say it with me. Tamara Jane. TJ. TamTam. Tamsie-girl say it with me...” “What do you want?! There's nothing left for me to say?! She's gonna leave me--” “She is still here. Say her name. Say it and she will still be here...” “No! I won't!!! I don't know her name--” “You know this is not how it is supposed to end... I know how it is too... I have a name... you can say it too...” “No! I won't-- Wait. Wut. Soooo... who are you and like, just what are you doing here anyways...?” “I'm here to save her. To save you. And to save me too... I will help get us out of here, but we don't have much time... So. Will you say her name and keep her safe with you for all times? Will you save your broken heart before it too breaks your own soul? Will you say my name and save me too? You can save us Tamara Jane Winstanley. You can... Will you save us... all of us...?” ---- She has been here before. Oh yes, she has. But never before in this kind of moment. A moment of calm. A moment of choice. “I... I know her... and I... I love her. I love you, Crystal-Lynne... and I will never let you go.” A moment of change. “And I will save you... I will save us. All of us. Me n' LynLyn and you...” She has been here before. Oh yes, she has. But never before in this kind of moment-- “ What's your name? I want to get us out of here! Okay? I want us to be saved! Tell me your name and I'mma say it, okay...?!” A moment of weakness in a bad dream unlike one she has ever had before-- “Then we have a deal, Tamsie-girl...?” She took a moment to consider just what kind of deal this was but that momentary consideration vanished as soon as she saw the rainbow coloured nails digging into the neck of the limp form of the love of her life, the fire still raging on, creeping ever closer, black smoke set to choke her to death and burn her dead body. Choke her to death just like how she had choked to death-- But she had the chance to save them. Save them all. All she had to do was say: 'yes' and this nightmare would be over. All she had to do was say: 'yes' and this nightmare would end... ...and the real one would begin.