November 6, 2032. Ten thousand people are taken hostage by the world's most popular commercial VMMORPG- if they die in the game, a microwave pulse will fry their brain, killing them instantaneously. The culprit: Programming prodigy and known cyberterrorist ENKI. Why he has done this, no one knows. The authorities have begun a globe-spanning manhunt for the genius programmer- a hunt which, so far, has turned up nothing. Tensions rise as the search continues, with several of the developers lynched outside of their homes. This isn't their story, though. No, this story begins in Seattle, Washington- at the headquarters of Steelhead Incorporated, a loose network of burnt-out hackers, cybernetic mercenaries and disgruntled wageslaves who will do just about anything for the right price. Yes, the (sometimes) brave and (often) unscrupulous men and women of Steelhead Inc. has just been offered a new contract. Their mission: Track down and kill ENKI by any means necessary. ________________________________________ [b]IMPORTANT STUFF:[/b] [*]Standard RP rules, you know the drill[/*] [*]We'll be using [url=]Risus[/url] as our ruleset. Don't worry, it's only only 4 pages[/*] [*]Make sure you have an [url=]Orokos[/url] account since we can't do dice.[/*] [*]Please don't make characters with more than 4 dice in a single cliche; it makes encounters go on forever and they're a nightmare to balance.[/*] [*]Keep things cyberpunk. Orbital colonies are fine, but no space aliens and shit like that.[/*] [*]Try to keep your posts fairly short, like two or three paragraphs maximum for regular dialogue and the like. Long posts are a sometimes thing.[/*] [*]Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, please. I won't actually do anything if you don't, but I'll probably be super passive-aggressive about it.[/*] [*]If you're gone for more than a week without notifying me first there is a possibility that your character will die a gruesome and ignoble death.[/*] [*]The tone of this RP is (hopefully) going to be tipped heavily towards Pink Mohawk, so feel free to go crazy.[/*]