Jaerdi watched as Tanya went over the various jobs each person had stated they could do and, to some extent, took charge of defining some. She looked like she’d played the role of de-facto leader before, and Jaerdi would not be surprised to see her doing the majority of the directing for this motley team. He wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the Drell women's suddenly crashing to the floor after getting a dazed look on her face. He had read about the Drell, but they were so rare in the galaxy that he’d never actually worked with one, or against one. Only seen them in passing from time to time. If he had to guess, he would say that she had just experienced some kind of memory, though the books had not mentioned that they could be so… extreme. As he picked up his bag to leave, he could only hope the woman wouldn’t be afflicted by that sort of thing on the job. On his way to drop his bag in the specified crate Jaerdi had pulled up his Omni tool to do some research. The information Tanya had sent him was useful, but it lacked the personal touch that he needed to get C-pat worked into a frenzy. The other man that had been chosen to escort the techies would likely just walk next to them and shoot anyone who looked threatening while generally being a very reactive guard. That job had its use, but it wasn’t Jaerdi’s style. He preferred to guard the client by making sure the people out to stop the client were too busy with all the chaos he caused to take the time to send a real force to his clients location. By the time he had reached the crate, he had found a target he could work with. He didn’t have nearly as much time as he’d like to set up a nicely orchestrated mess for C-pat to work out, but he could at least have them chasing their tails for a little while. The target he’d chosen to work with was a Batarian extremist group that regularly agitated for making the station Batarian only, and was based on nearly the opposite side of the station to the security systems hub. Jaerdi liked extremist groups. Not for their ideals, they were usually ridiculous ideals, no, he liked them because they were very easy to stir into action. Usually rash action. This particular group marauded around their tiny slice of the station with a variety of guns, keeping just lawful enough to avoid being cracked down on too hard, but dodgy enough to have a constant eye on them. They fit the profile perfectly. Thirty minutes later, Jaerdi had made it to the other side of the station and located one of the suspected second in commands of the group - just wandering around like he owned the place. He’d found a nice secure spot in an alley between buildings and taken out his prized Locust smg, ready to start gunning down Batarian extremists indiscriminately. It was at that point he opened up his omni tool and placed an audio only call for C-pat. To their credit, they answered quickly, a Turian voice on the other end of the line. He began speaking immediately, putting on his best terrified citizen voice. “Help! Help! The Batarians, they’re trying to kill me! They’ve gone mad! They’re just shooting everyone with less than four eyes!” When they asked for the location, he gave it to them, very specifically, and told them to hurry. Once that was done and the call was stopped, he instigated the whole mess, leaning out from his cover and shouting “Hey four eyed freak! Get off our station!” Before adding injury to insult with a quick burst of smg fire at the high ranking Batarian. He went down quickly, and the rest of his people started firing various guns in Jaerdi’s general direction. He prepared a pair of Homing grenades on his Omni tool and stood out of cover, raising his hand to let them find their targets and release, his shields absorbing a few of the more accurate rounds while he did so. A second later, a pair of explosions marked the messy deaths of two more batarian thugs. While the remaining trio were in disarray from the expensive and exotic deaths of their brothers, Jaerdi leaned out and put them down with accurate bursts of fire from his Locust. Two of the thugs didn’t even have shields. From there, he moved quickly, sprinting to the lead Batarians body, running a few brute force hacking programs on the mans omni tool as he went. Once he got there, he picked up the dead mans arm and activated his omni tool. It was easy enough to navigate the hacked tool and find the number to contact the overall leader of the extremists. Before he made the call though, he scrolled through his own omni tools selection of voice synthesisers. Sometimes it paid to use a voice that sounded a bit more badass than his own smooth Salarian alto. His finger hovered over ‘Krogan Badass’ for a moment before he eventually settled on ‘Macho Turian.’ One thing about law enforcement firms that Jaerdi had learned over the years, was that they [i]all[/i] had Turians in them. Enforcing the law was something Turians just couldn’t stay away from. He tapped the message he wanted to deliver into his omni-tool in advance, then made the call on the deadmans omni tool, quickly pressing playback on his own tool. The message played in a near cartoonish, overly deep and gravelly Turian voice, and Jaerdi had to stop from laughing at it until it was over. “C-pat sends its regards. Time to go back to Khar’shan four-eyed monsters.” Jaerdi could hear the raging of the extremist leader from the other end of the line as he stood, a pleased grin on his face as he admired his work. A minute later, a pair of C-pat officers rounded the corner and arrived on the scene, probably the closest patrol, and now the unluckiest of them all. Jaerdi was standing in the middle of the group of dead Batarians, one of their budget pistols in hand. “Finally. If my call had been real, I’d probably be a dead civilian by now.” He said to them as he raised both hands to point at them - one with his omni tool glowing, sending a chain overload to burn out their shields, and the other with the pistol he’d taken from the Batarian, which he promptly shot the two officers with. Normally he tried to avoid killing the police, but if the job demanded it, then the job demanded it. “My work here is done.” He said over the bodies, before dropping the gun and springing into his escape. When the C-pat reinforcements arrived, they’d find dead C-pat officers next to dead extremists, and when the extremist reinforcements arrived, they’d find C-pat officers standing over dead extremists. It’d probably spark a rather messy firefight that, with any luck, would spread to encompass the entirety of the extremist territory, and draw away a fair amount of the C-pat force. And the best part was that no-one would know it didn’t occur naturally until far too late. Now all that remained was to get the security hub guards away from their posts. He would have to think on his feet for that one, but ideas were already filling his mind as he made his way to the meeting point.