"Wow, this guy's the real deal Lia!" Renzo chuckled as he slung an arm around Rick's shoulders, "You really sound like a hick!" "Renzo! Be nice!" Lia reprimanded. "I am! Can you blame me for being so excited? It's the first time I've met a real redneck before." Lia let out an angry sigh before pulling her twin off the poor accountant. "Focus Renzo. Can we go up to the office and discuss Mr. Cooper's position in the company?" To her annoyance, Renzo spun around and began to walk away. "You handle it sis, I'm done for today." "What?!" "Hey, you were the one who said that all we would be doing was meeting with Mr. Kawashima." Renzo replied over his shoulder, "Besides, all that accounting and what not is up your alley, not mine." With that said, he continued his stride towards the front doors. "But we're supposed to decide on this together!" Lia called out to him, but Renzo simply waved her off. "You got this sis!" He called out. It was taking everything Lia had to not scream out her frustration but she held it back. Instead, she let out another sigh as she turned back to Rick. "I'm sorry about that; he's not like this all the time." She stated, wincing a little at her white lie, "He's just... [i]excitable[/i]." And politically incorrect, she thought, but decided to keep that comment to herself. "However, he's given the go ahead to promote you without his consent which does make things a whole lot easier." She began as she turned to face him, "So congratulations Mr. Cooper, you're the new Chief Tax Accountant. Since you just came in last night, we can go ahead and settle all the paperwork tomorrow morning. You deserve some sleep. Unless you're up to some tedious signing right now."