She saw the teacher and said, "nooo its gonna be too gay in here now," A little louder than she wanted it to be. Shit. Shoot me now, please. No? Nobody? Okay. She heard a squeal from a girl and popped her finished lollipop out of her mouth, and ripped it in half. She threw one piece at the girl that squealed, and one at the perfect piece of shite that was their fucking teacher. Sigh. People like her teacher were the ones she hated, the ones that everyone wants to date and marry in their fanfictions. Besides, if she got detention for it; fuck that. It was idiotic. Throwing a lollipop at a teacher, and they'd say 'he could've died.' The fuck? Sadly, that's all teachers. She then got a form. So, she filled it out, quite casually. Name: Sonya Belrose Age: 17 Section: A (and in small font) you fucktards. Clubs: Photography. You know what, fuck that. Photograhy AND Basketball. Holy shit, sports? THE FUCK? A smart kid in a sports club? That's never used in anime! Probably because anime has shitty stereotypes. Its that, right? Yeah. It had to be. Now that's she's in photography, she can catch the teachers bumpin' uglies. Totes legit, totes fucking expected. I got the special snowflake award and I didn't even try. She folded her paper into an airplane and threw it at the teacher.