Amid everything that was going on from Will’s attack, which caused an earthquake, to Helena giving the order to either Alex or Jack, the Canadian just couldn’t help but look over towards Alex’s direction. Jack couldn’t tell exactly what was being said, being a bit away from Alex, but when it was all said and done, Jack witnessed a few things. The first was Alex looking down at the ground, at what it looked to be something charred. Jack remembered that Alex went ape-shit with his powers. Maybe it was form the lightning that hit one of the guys from the enemy group. In either case, next came Alex utilized his Weather Manipulation ability to grant high winds and storm clouds, and lightning. The lightning pretty much went into the ground, It was followed by a scream from Alex. Jack didn’t know what to do, but he knew that he would at least get that cellphone that Helena told either him or Alex to get. So, using his ice powers, he used it to create a slide of sorts beneath his feet, and he slid right behind the dude who had the phone. With a simple motion of his hand raising, Jack shot darts of ice through the phone, and instantly it exploded in the man’s hands. The guy was surprised as all hell. Jack then used the ice slide again to go over to Alex. He felt so bad for him. He didn’t know what to do, but he knew what his orders. Jack looked around, hoping to locate exactly where Helena was, but it seemed that she already got the hell out of dodge. As Jack continued to remember, he did see her fly off with Will. Yeah, now it’s coming back to him. Jack did see that Will was in pretty bad shape, so it’s no wonder that Helena went on home ahead of everyone else. [b]“I hope they made it home safely.”[/b] Jack said as he looked around, and he fixated his sight on Alex. Running towards Alex, Jack looked down and he kneeled down to one knee. He put one of his hands(the right one) on Alex’s left shoulder. [b]“C’mon Alex, let’s go get X and head home.”[/b] Jack said hoping that the notion of going home would help Alex come to.