[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] After getting his food in the cafeteria - some sort of rice and vegetable dish - he sat down in a random corner and continued reading his dictionary. Unfortunately, he didn't notice that there was a girl there already as he sat down at the table... [/quote] A sigh escaped her lips as she noticed a person sit down at the table she was at. Taking a deep breath in she spoke the words soft and little more then a whisper "Hi I'm Selene." She kept it short and sweet not really knowing what to say to people at the best of times. Looking at the guy she noticed he was reading a dictionary and thought to herself it was a rather strange thing to read but then again she herself had read one a few years back to see if it was interesting. Waiting until the person had spoke to her she quietly at her salad as she half tuned out of the cafeteria to see if anything interesting was going on outside finding nothing she returned to the loud noise of people chatting hoping to get away from it all soon.