[b]Worthless[/b] Reverse-engineer crews have realized no such technology of worth is within the world of Nikolien, and fortunately had reported such matter to the Omen before they perished from the bombardment. The Ceramus now doesn't care about the lost colony, and instead the attack fleet had began grabbing up the debris of Freidsmekalre hurriedly, turning away and simply vanishing from sight as they activated their FTL. In order to fool trackers, an uninhabited planet was visited first before proceeding right to their destination. [i]Reverse Engineering Process: All technologies of Freidsmekalre will be reverse-engineered, currently at 5%. Trade with Ayaerid Empire has been approved, defense point designated at site of reverse engineering project[/i] [b]???[/b] The Being now knew all that had happened in the past, faded from the current space, and reappeared at the surface of what was once Nikolien. From down there, Yomo glared at the ships above, with a face that seemed to express that she wanted to have some discussion.