[quote=MrFoxNews] "You have the assistance of the Night Lords against the Equestrians. I wish to speak with whomever is your leader first though, face to face shall we say." Finch said in a more serious manner then he had previous showed. [/quote] "Define leader" The Officer said "Military authority or Governmental Authority? No single individual is the overall leader in the Governmental Authority, Military Authority has the Supreme Overlord for the Galaxy" The Officer tapped a few commands "Oversight for this current interaction is Spectre Code Name Prospector and Deuscidium Code Name Seraph." Operation: Knightfall The two Indespectus prowlers moved from the Specter Nexus into the air, cutting through the atmosphere of the planet and activating their cloaking device before jumping into the secondary universe. The black Stealth Ablative Coating had been reapplied over the past few days, and now the black 'paint' had dried it was ready to go 'invisible' to most instruments. On board were the crew who would be responsible for operation Knightfalls execution, and it would have to be flawless... luckily, Spectre specialised in perfection.