[b][u]General Info[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Miyako Usagi[/i] (Lit. Beautiful night child "of the" Moon.) [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [i]Shisa no Musume[/i] [b]Gender:[/b][i] Female[/i][img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100316202254/naruto/images/thumb/3/38/Gender_Female.svg/18px-Gender_Female.svg.png] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Sixteen[/i] [b]Age Appearance:[/b] [i]Young adult[/i] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [i]Pansexual[/i] -====- [b][u]Loyalty[/u][/b] [b]Village:[/b] [i]Gobigakure no Sato – The Village Hidden at the End[/i] [b]Birthplace:[/b] [i]Gobigakure no Sato - The Village Hidden at the End[/i] [b]Organization:[/b] [i]Gobigakure no Sato - The Village Hidden at the End[/i] -====- [b][u]Ninja Information[/u][/b] [b]Clan/Bloodline:[/b] [i]Usagi[/i] [b]Rank:[/b] [i]Chuunin.[/i] [b]Chakra Nature:[/b] [i]Jiton[img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100919225105/naruto/images/thumb/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Magnet.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Magnet.svg.png] [s]Doton[/s][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162502/naruto/images/thumb/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Earth.svg.png][/i] -====- [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [hider2=Miyako Usagi] [IMG]http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b521/Platothefrench/34_zpse2b4d7a2.png[/IMG] Miyako Usagi pictures with a young Komainu, before his mane grew in. [/hider2] [b]Body Type and Shape:[/b] [i] Miyako is a slender girl, not exactly tall for her age but not short, caught somewhere in the middle. With an overdeveloped figure, many people mistake her for someone above her age group which reflects on her personality as well. Having never had a long period of inactivity in her life, Miyako's body is hardened by years of training and day-to-day labor. Miyako's body is fit for a more agile, endurance-based style of fighting as opposed to the brute force of others.[/i] [b]Height:[/b] [i]5'6''[/i] [b]Weight:[/b] [i]117lbs[/i] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [i]Miyako's hair is a shade of pale yellow, although in direct sunlight it may appear to brighten up into a shining gold.[/i] [b]Hair Style:[/b] [i]Her hair is chopped shakily and with little effort, allowed to grow wild down her back while the bangs are trimmed to avoid inhibiting her vision.[/i] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [i]A vibrant gold-brown which appear to absorb sunlight, reminiscent of a lion's eye.[/i] [b]Clothing:[/b] [i]Miyako adorns herself typically in shades of red, she wears a chest plate kept hidden underneath a full-body net suit. Above that she covers herself with a long sleeved pink robed top fastened across her throat with a forehead protect wrapped around. A short red skirt with ankle-high sandals with hidden plates across the shins. Occasionally, especially when traveling long distance she is known to wear a large black cloak with a red hood featuring animal fur lining the inside.[/i] -====- [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] [b]Background:[/b] [i]Miyako heard many stories of her parents and their upbringings. Her father was a premier Sunagkure Shinobi who was known for his advanced Jiton techniques, he was held in high regard and was even considered one of the best Shinobi of his time until a botched mission resulted in his disgrace. With his reputation demolished he left and became a missing nin, finding refuge in Gobigakure no Sato. As one of its first occupants he helped defend the small settlement from many skirmishes but unable to retrieve his fame and with the constant whispers he heard behind him, Miyako's father eventually became a violent and brutal man. One day during an Amegakure-Kusagakure skirmish her father lead a small group to defend Gobigakure no Sato's borders. What occurred after is contested but what Miyako learned was her father had directed an unneeded form of violence towards one of the young female Amegakure Chuunin, Miyako's mother. The other members of her father's group allegedly slayed her father as retribution for his heinous act but with the deed already done the damage couldn't be repaired. The other Amegakure Shinobi now saw Miyako's mother as too weak to return home and attempted to kill her on the spot. The Gobigakure men defended her and gave her salvation in their home, where she was destined to raise Miyako. Her mother, Kikyo Usagi, was given the former residence of Miyako's father, who held a large cache of scrolls featuring knowledge from mainly Sunagakure but also intelligence on both Iwagakure and Kumogakure styles. While her father kept records of Sunagakure's typical poison mixtures and basic-recipes, unique Jiton techniques and advanced weapon styles, Miyako's mother proved to be her primary influence. Miyako's mother introduced her to Amegakure's neurotoxin-based technology which is much more potent than Sunagakure's which is designed more to weaken rather than entirely execute, her mother also provided her with Komainu who was the offspring of a former familiar of her mother's, along with the knowledge on how to utilize various weapon styles. [/i] [b]Today:[/b] [i] As of now, Miyako trains to extend her Ninjutsu field feeling that with more Jutsu knowledge she can outwit opponents from other lands. She also believes her father's death was a little too suspicious and lacked concrete evidence. While she is forced to feel gratitude he gave her life, the way he went about it was unforgivable and Miyako has promised her mother if she ever comes across him in her travels he will pay for the crimes he committed. This deep motivation is the drive behind much of what Miyako does today.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Miyako is a calculated individual, she sees anything that is not productive as a waste of her time and leisure is a four letter word. Taking her title as a Shinobi very seriously, she is all business and no play. This hardcore focus on Shinobi arts create one deadly individual, her aloof nature allows her to stay far enough from her allies to avoid emotional tampering with decisions and her analytical nature grants her the ability to outsmart many. Sticking by the belief that a Shinobi requires exact precision, a sharp mind and a strong will she builds herself around those three core concepts. However she has a softer side which is clear with her companion, the two share a brother-sister bond that few understand from the outside. This close relationship with an animal makes Miyako oddly compassionate and protective of anything non-human, believing humans to be vile creatures herself who are simply built to destroy. Komainu's warm and benevolent personality often clashes with Miyako's cold one, the extreme difference in the two allows them both to assess situations from the another's point of view resulting in an often stronger decision. [/i] -====- [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] [i][list] [*]Precision is Key[/*] [indent]While most Shinobi train for raw power, utilizing force as their weapon. Miyako was knowingly unable to compete and as such has focused on making each movement of hers count. This high level of precision applies to everything from her basic accuracy of her Chakra control, no movement or action is wasted by Miyako.[/indent] [*]Poison Specialist[/*] [indent]Being the daughter of two residents from countries harboring the most advanced poison-based styles, Miyako holds a high knowledge of Toxicology. She has synthesized a few toxic brews of her own and also uses recipes and mixtures her mother and father both knew. This combined knowledge is almost unheard of anywhere else in the world.[/indent] [*]Sensor Type Shinobi[/*] [indent]Miyako is one of the few Shinobi who has said they can 'feel' Chakra sources, although an amateur at the skill she can still utilize it.[/indent] [*]Cat-like Agility[/*] [indent]Having grown up alongside Komainu, she was forced to keep up with his speed and agility. This high level of expectation kept her body honed enough to perform complex agile maneuvers, which she easily translates into her combat style. They say cats always land on their feet, so does Miyako.[/indent] [*]Animal Companion[/*] [indent]Since she was a young girl, Komainu and Miyako were best friends sharing a bond neither one needed words to express. Since this goes beyond that of simple friendship the two can easily understand the other's intentions with a simple gaze. Komainu serves as not only a summoning familiar to her in battle, but a life-long friend as well.[/indent] [*]Bukijutsu Specialist[/*] [indent] Unable to utilize poweful Taijutsu attacks or complex Ninjutsu skills, Miyako has trained a fair amount in a variety of weapon skills. As of now this includes: Kayakujutsu (Gunpowder Techniques), Bōjutsu (Staff Techniques), Shurikenjutsu (Throwing Techniques), Tessenjutsu (Iron-Fan Techniques). [/indent][/i] [/list] -====- [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [list] [i][*]Summoning Scroll[/*] [indent] A large scroll used to summon the variety of weapons in her arsenal, Miyako can also use this scroll to summon Komainu. This scroll also holds the ability to summon a variety of explosives, unique shuriken and other various weapons Miyako may train herself in. [/indent] [*]Ninja pouch[/*] [indent] A small pouch on her hip carrying a large stash of supplies for traps including: wires, explosive tags, shuriken, senbon and paint. Also holds a decent amount of room for extra supplies she may be forced to carry along. [/indent] [*]Sensuhasaki - Folding edge of blades fan.[/*] [indent] A large iron fan, comprised of many sword blades affixed in a fan shape. A weapon made specifically for Miyako, she can fold it and utilize her staff-based fighting style or expand it for a fan-based style. The tool itself is held together by a complex magnetic rig Miyako herself created which features a powerful magnetic bar fitted as the point of pivot for the fan, this powerful magnet can be used to help her generate a stronger magnetic field. Her advanced control over this weapon along with her magnet release makes Miyako a deadly adversary with this in hand. Each of the eight blades is inscribed with a different Kanji, labeling them individually, each with their own weight and thickness. [/indent] [/i][/list] ----- [hider=Komainu - Lion-dog summoning familiar] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Komainu aka "Koma"[/i] [b]Title:[/b] [i]The Shisa of the North.[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Twenty[/i] [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Koma's main ability is his physical prowess, being such a massive creature he easily packs a heavy punch combined with the uncommon high agility something his size should have makes one physical beast to deal with. Koma also holds the ability to use Chakra, which generally takes the form of Raiton-based attacks generating his mouth.[/i] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [i]Koma is a large dog-like animal with a thick red mane around his throat and large paws featuring razor-sharp claws much like a lion. Koma has a thick, heavy burnt orange coat with black lines and small flecks of red scattered throughout. His face is marked with ceremonial Shisa tattoos which give him a prominent and intricate pair of eyebrows etched into his skin. Along with them matching markings are tattooed into his front legs and chest, down his back and across his hind to the tip of his tail. These blueish-gray markings indicate Koma is a true Shisa guardian, making him the guardian of the North which is paired with the guardian of the south who was Miyako's mothers companion which met an untimely fate during Koma's upbringing. [/i] [/hider] [hider=Jutsu List] [hider2=Ninjutsu:] [b]Ninjutsu:[/b] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_Technique]Clone Technique - Bushin no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_Technique]Body Replacement Technique - Kawarimi no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Transformation_Technique]Transformation Technique - Henge no Jutsu[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sensing]Sensing - Kanchi[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique]Summoning Technique - Kuchiyose no Jutsu[/url] [/i] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Infusion - Senjigusuri[/i] [u]Classification[/u] [i]Jiton Ninjutsu[/i] [u]Rank:[/u] [i]D-Rank[/i] [u]Effect:[/u] [i]Miyako's basic Jiton technique, which allows her to magnetize various objects. This magnetization can be transferred either by touching it herself or by her Jiton Chakra making contact with an object.[/i] [u]Drawback:[/u] [i]Being such a basic technique few drawbacks are present other than the complex level of Chakra control and precision required to be a strong Jiton user. The technique also requires Miyako to be in close vicinity of whatever she wishes to magnetize which may be good or bad.[/i] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Barrier: Four Pillar Defense Technique - Kekkai: Shihashira Benso no Jutsu[/i] [u]Classification[/u] [i]Kekkai Ninjutsu, Jiton.[/i] [u]Rank:[/u] [i]C-Rank[/i] [u]Effect:[/u] [i]Miyako utilizes her Jiton to separate her fan into its components, she can then take four of the blades and stake them into the ground forming a square shape. Upon activation the user creates a Jiton-based barrier which utilizes the repulsive forces of magnets to deflect attacks. When a creature, Raiton-based attack or metal object come in contact with the barrier's edges they are infused with Jiton chakra making them Magnetic.[/i] [u]Drawback:[/u] [i]The technique's purely defensive aspect makes it extremely easy to evade, the amount of time required to erect the barrier also makes it illogical to attempt in the middle of a tense fight.[/i] [u]Name:[/u] [i]Polarity Control Technique - Kyokusei Souran no Jutsu[/i] [u]Classification[/u] [i]Jiton, Kekkai Ninjtsu[/i] [u]Rank:[/u] [i]B-Rank[/i] [u]Effect:[/u] [i]Miyako formulates a powerful but small magnetic field around her body, much like a planetary object. This barrier repels most forms of physical attacks and add a heavy extra layer of defense against strong attacks. Miyako can also utilize this field to give herself the ability to levitate, when concentrated she can use this to generate a speed faster than most can run.[/i] [u]Drawback:[/u] [i]Requires a constant stream of Chakra to be utilized, its heavy defensive nature inhibits offensive capabilities. Since concetration is required, Miyako cannot use any other techniques when this is active.[/i] [/hider2] [hider2=Taijutsu:] [b]Taijutsu:[/b] [i][u]Bōjutsu[/u] - Trained in fighting with a staff, she can utilize the closed Sensuhasaki as such. With this style, she has learned how to use it as an extension of her body. [u]Tessenjutsu[/u] - While most Sunagakure-bred Shinobi learn to use fans to direct wind-based techniques, Miyako's acts as the base for her magnetic abilities as such she can use the fan as a premade magnetic source. [u]Shurikenjutsu[/u] - Every Shinobi is trained in the art of throwing projectiles but few like Miyako who can use her magnetic-based abilities to direct and enhance the power of these objects. She also is known for her unique form of Shuriken which come in three varieties; the massive disc-shaped ones that are completely round featuring a fully sharpened edge on all sides evenly which makes these impossible to wield by hand without resulting in self-harm, a vary small seven pointed star which can be launched with such speeds they will continue to drive forward even after striking a target resulting in deep puncture wounds and the medium sized tri-point which is designed to stab and impale more than slice. [/i] [/hider2] [hider2=Genjutsu:] [b]Genjutsu:[/b] [i][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Genjutsu_Binding]Genjutsu Binding -Genjutsu Shibari[/url] [/i] [/hider2] [/hider]