It seemed like the others were able to take care of the masked men. Gilfred, Will, and the others who chose to fight put up a strong fight. But just when everyone thought they were defeated, blades began to form from their palms. They eventually freed themselves from the elementals grasps, saying “That was just a warm up. You now gave us time to count all of you and figure what you can do. Nature powers, bah!" But not all of them had revealed their self yet. Not Thema. “This better work…” she said under her breath as she twisted the cap off of a vial. Seeds sprawled everywhere as the tossed them towards the Vygorns. There was a bit of a delay, but soon after the seeds began to take root. The seeds detonated and small vines began to creep across the ground. Eventually the vines became heavier and thicker. Thema was ecstatic that her powers would become of use to the group. Thema commanded the vines to attack and they eagerly followed her order. As they slithered across the wasteland, they eventually met their targets: the Vygorns. The ivy latched onto their ankles and began to constrict. Their movement was slow as they crawled up the mens bodies. It tethered them to the ground, putting their swift movements to a halt. [i]All that’s left is to… kill them…[/i] The thought of murder frightened Thema even if she wasn’t sure whether or not the Vygorns were human. Luckily, she wouldn’t have to pull the trigger as a flaming arrow darted through the air and pierced the snared Vygorn. As the flame spread, Themas vines immediately released their grasp. They shied away from the fire, afraid of ending up charred or burned. Glancing across the scape, Thema realized her and Aerilyn were the only girls that were partaking in the fight. [i]Where are the others… Wheres Cora?[/i]