[center][b]Introduction Part 1[/b] [i]Reflections From The Future[/i][/center] [i]My name is Hans Venechenko. You don't know me, but you know our story. You know her legacy. It's a story of love, hate, friendship, betrayal, courage, and sacrifice. All the hallmarks of a good story. It's about rebellion, men and women taking a stand to defend their land and people before there was nothing left to fight for. It's the journey of how one girl from the slums of Zenobia inspired the world to form a revolution, to take our freedom by force, although at a grave, and unforgettable cost. This is her story, but it's my story too, and I'm about to share it with you.[/i] [center][b]Introduction Part 2[/b] [i]Desert Rose[/i][/center] Ana Maria Grace rolled over in her comfy bed of soft, warm, purple sheets in her cosy little room. She was sound asleep, dreaming of some better time and place, a land of innocence, love, and peace. Angelo slept comfortably beside her. He was her large, furry brown dog.  Her beautiful blonde hair rested over her forehead, covering her left eye. Her sparkling green eyes were shut as she slept the morning away against her fluffy purple pillow. The buzzer inside of her old mechanical clock clang it's usual dull, metallic, insistent racket. New clocks had something called a chip that was made from data or something. Here in the slums of Zenobia, there was no fancy, fussy technology. Bikes that ride themselves, you just sit and stare at people passing by. Neat little boxes that show moving pictures; nothing so sophisticated. The inner city was like something from a comic book or fiction novel. Some futuristic metropolis turning time like the inside of a clock. Late at night you can look out your bedroom window, peer north into the night sky, and see it's lights glowing, flashing and blinking like stars hung just above and below the horizon. She opened her eyes quickly, smiling wide. She smacked the plated spring on the clock, silencing it for another twenty-four hours, and leapt from her bed, starting Angelo as she did so. He slowly got up off the bed, jumping to the hardwood floor with a surge of energy that would last for the next 12 hours. "Can't come today, Angelo. I'm goin' to the inner districts," Ana said, leaning over in the doorway. She shut the door on him, and he tilted his head with a whimper. She jogged down the stairs of her tiny home, running into the kitchen where her mother was sitting, reading the Zenobian Times over a cup of tea. It was a shabby little home nestle into a nook of Zenobia's slums, but it was cosy, warm, neat and welcoming. "I made breakfast," her mother said lovingly, eyes fixed on the article still, no doubt retaining the words as she spoke to her daughter. "Not hungry mom," Ana replied, kissing her on the cheek, heading for the door. Ana's mother looked over her shoulder at her oldest daughter as she grabbed her coat from the rack. "Stay away from those left-wing, hooligan friends of yours!" her mother yelled out to her as she dashed out the door. The streets of Zenobia were bustling that particular morning. Buildings, trees, structures and rooftops towered over power lines and into the sky. Bikes, strangely built cars and trucks filled the busy streets. Some were paved or stone, others were run down dirt roads, usually in a series of gritty backstreets networking the outermost corners and reaches of the slums. Far beyond the cluttered, towering groupings of buildings, the massive structures and sky scrappers of the inner core of Zenobia loomed on the horizon like pillars of the heavens, watching over the poverty, despair and corruption that ensued every day amidst the outer slums. [center][b]OutlawTorn[/b] [i]Presents...​[/i] ​[img]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x279/OutlawTorn_Can/cooltext676256306.png[/img] [i]Inspired by Squaresoft's Body of Work From 1987-1999[/i] Created by Michael J. Saulnier (OutlawTorn) ​ ​ [i]Dedicated to [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hironobu_Sakaguchi]Hironobu Sakaguchi[/url],​ and Final Fantasy fans everywhere​[/i][/center]