Alice was on edge being so close to the team hunting her and her brother, but she trusted Barnabas and knew his plan would work if she could just lure the team down the hallway he was waiting in. She went through different scenarios of getting the nords to the right place, but all of her thoughts and schemes were wiped from her mind when a woman suddenly tackled the blonde man standing between her and the two nords, saving her the trouble of answering the bear of a man’s question about the Lizard. Alice watched as the woman, who she realized was one of the ones from the cafeteria, picked the man up and ran down the hallway, dragging him along. They were cut off by a nicely dressed man with a gun, and then suddenly the female nord shot lightning from her hand down the hall at the fleeing Asylums. When this happened, Alice began relaying everything she saw back to Barnabas to give him time to alter the plan now that they knew what sort of alchemy one of them used. There was a clang as Alice dropped her brother’s sword and fell to her knees as the gravity in the hall became heavier. She looked up as best she could at the owner of the voice that suddenly appeared. It was one of the Gemelli, and where there was one there was the other, so when the young girl suddenly appeared in the middle of Angel’s monologue Alice wasn’t surprised. The whole time, Alice relayed the situation back to Barnabas. Barnabas listened to the report Alice relayed back to him and began altering the plan to get around the lightning user’s abilities. He was in the middle of erasing the sigil behind the vending machine when Alice relayed the situation back to him. He cursed under his breathe and slashed the sigil out. He began to run down the hall as fast as he could, retracing the blueprint in his mind, but he wasn;t fast enough. He stopped for a second and etched a sigil on the bottom of his boot. He jumped and kicked off of a wall and activated the sigil; the wind exploded out and sent him hurtling down the hall and into a couch left in a little nook. He untangled himself from the pillows and ran to the next intersection and then down another hall. He came out at the end of a hall with three people tangled together, one pushing the other two off of them. Barnabas sprinted past them and came to a halt just short of the end of the hall. His sister was slowly getting to her feet, the gravity having been restored to normal. Alice undid the alchemy on her hair and eyes and walked over to her brother, handing him his sword. He collapsed it and sheathed it on his belt and watched for anyone to make a move toward them. He had been hotheaded to came sprinting in here, but one of his best abilities was coming up with a plan on the spot, so he was ready, but he doubted he would need a plan, considering both Gemelli were present. Barnabas’s late arrival had saved him the trouble of listening to Angel’s monologue firsthand, but Alice had relayed it to him the best she could. Barnabas had arrived in time to see the man materialize from nothingness, dressed in what appeared to be ninja clothing. Barnabas was not surprised, as Alice had kept him updated through their telepathic link. He was, however surprised to see the man appear out of nothingness and be staring at the female nord’s chest and to hear him go on about perverted things to the blonde deaf man. Barnabas watched closely as the bear of a man stepped forward and placed his hand next to the woman’s ear and knocked her out. Then with the same slight shift in the air, the old man vanished, cloaking himself to a much better degree than Alice could. After Angel went on about the Asylums who had been hunting the ones already under his thumb, Alice went to speak up when two other Asylums phased through the wall next to her and her brother. That brought her up short for a moment, but she ignored it and turned to Angel to speak. As Alice spoke, Barnabas turned his analytical eyes upon the team who had just phased through a solid wall, and was too busy to notice the man with a gun down the hall. “Well you already have us under your thumb.”