[b] Ella grew more nervous as she was dragged to a horse, Ariana's grip firm and absolute; she wasn't going to release Ella, not while she was the only thing keeping the assassin alive. But maybe Ella would still be able to get herself out of this. She only had one more shot. "Ariana, I can distract the guards and let you get away," Ella reasoned, "You don't want to have to do all of this, right? You were never given a choice, just handed a dagger as a small child and ordered to survive. I know how that is, and trust me, if you kill me now, Marken will hunt you down to the ends of the earth to get his revenge; you'll never be able to rest again." Ariana's grip loosened a little finally, her blade quivering; she really didn't want to kill. But who had a choice to say no to the king? Not everyone had Ella's great fortune of being drug out of their shady job; they usually turned up in city gutters, barely missed at all. Slowly, Ariana began to lower her blade, letting Ella explain herself further. & then, Marken charged from behind, gaining everyone's attention; he looked so strong and heroic, almost like a real warrior as he charged. Adriana let out an enraged cry & shoved Ella to the ground. The blade in her hand sliced into Ella's neck as she fell, her hands flying up to cling to it. She was swarmed over by the stable boy and a soldier as Ariana faced Marken, her gaze deadly. "Lady Ella will live!" the stable hand announced to Marken quickly, "The assassin only cut the skin." Ella wiggled and tried to sit up, to badly Marken and Ariana to stop, but she was held securely, and her voice wasn't coming out thanks to the jarring feel.of blood oozing from her wound. There was no way either opponent would back down, and more soldiers were on their way, by the looks of it. Ariana's chances of escape were dwindling very quickly, and either her or Marken would die in the inevitable, desperate clash.[/b]