Annelises looked up as Hel spoke of to her. As the words sank in her eyes widened in horror as her stomach twisted with fear. Frantically she looked down at the ground, scanning the area for any sight of Will. As they began to soar back to the Earth she finally spotted the girl. As they landed her knees buckled slightly, with a small stumble she regained her footing. She happily took hold of Hel's hand and quickly hurried with Hel to Will's side; though staying a bit out of the way to give Hel room as her hand was released. Annelise watched worried as Helena checked Will over and tried to keep her conscious. Annelise was no doctor but the girl was certainly going to pass out, she looked far to worn out to stay away. That's when she saw Helena's eyes close as if to focus. She didn't know what she was about to do but she had a bad feeling. A sinking feeling in her gut as the moments seemed to endlessly tick by. Something wasn't right, she didn't know what but she had a bad feeling. Helena seemed to grow a bit pale and her body faintly trembled from the strain. "Helena! Stop! It's not working!" She called out in terror. It was like watching her beloved Helena slowly slip away. She was on edge, standing on the tips of her toes ready to pounce and shake Helena back to reality and stop whatever she was doing. But she knew better, despite it all she didn't know what might happen if she forced the two apart during what ever the hell she was doing. She felt helpless, only to scream at her Helena that seemed deaf to her plees. "Stop this Helena! Snap out of it!" She pleaded desperately as she was on the verge of tears; with each passing moment seemed to steal more of her color. Finally her eyes opened, breathing a sigh of relief. She was about to tackle herself into Hel with a hug but she stopped herself as she asked for a moment. Moments later she was suddenly pulled into the air by Helena. She looked over to her love and her concern came rushing back. She had gone flying with Helena plenty of times and knew something was wrong. Their path shook and swayed. She was going to scold the girl for being so reckless but decided it best happen on solid ground. Looking out she saw the ranch in the distance. As they descended she came to the grim realization they were not slowing down. [i]oh fuck me...[/i] she complained in her own thoughts, knowing this was going to hurt like a bitch as the large swimming pool closed in. Taking a deep breath moments before crashing she was not prepared for impact. Her body slammed into the surface of the water. Finding herself dazed and reality beginning to blur and fade around her. Fighting through the daze she shook her head under water. She was almost out of breath as she hovered over the floor of the pool. Quickly she maneuvered under the water and pressed her feet to the floor. Giving a shove she pushed herself towards the surface. Noticing both Helena and Will seeming to be floating unconscious under the water she adjusted her path towards the two. Grabbing the both of the by the hands she pulled them to the surface. As she broke the surface edge she gasped for air as she pulled the two heads over the surface of the water. Annelise then pulled the two through the water towards the shallow end until she could stand. Bringing the two too the edge of the pool she used all her might to push them out of the pool and onto the concrete, laying side by side on their back. Annelise then pulled herself out of the pool and crawled over to Helena's side first. Quickly she leaned down to her lips and checked for a breath against her cheek. Feeling nothing she felt a panic begin to set in but forced it down and act. She quickly began CPR, pressing on her chest a few times before moving to her lips. Pressing her lips into Helena's she pushed her breath into her lungs and repeated the pattern a few more times until Helena began to cough up water and gasped for air. She quickly pushed Helena onto her side to make it easier for her to get the rest of the water out of her lungs. "Breath baby, breath. I need to take care of Will." She encouraged lovingly as she left Helena to lie there. She quickly Crawled over Helena and moved over to Will's side, checking for a breath as well. She then quickly went to work as she didn't feel a breath. She pressed on her chest and breathed into her lungs as their lips sealed. It took a bit more then it did Helena but finally getting her to cough out the water she pushed her up onto her side. "There there, just breath." She encouraged sweetly as she patted her back for a few moments. Once sure Will would be fine on her own she turned back around and looked at Helena laying on the floor. She turned herself around and suddenly pressed herself into the Hel with her arms wrapping tight around her. Squeezing her in her arms knowing that she was okay now. "Don't ever do something so stupid again, Helena!" Annelise scolded with a faint quiver to her voice as she tried to fight back the tears. Her arms squeeze the girl even tighter as if the stronger she squeezed Helena the better chance she had to not cry.