Miyoshi responded to the Colonel's congratulations with a smile, a "thank you", and a traditional bow. No amount of Westernization could shake her Japanese upbringing. The squadron had performed well and the flight lead wasn't afraid to say so. Miyoshi had flown under some flight leads in the past that were never congratulatory or even complimentary to their pilots, and a communicative and positive flight lead was something Miyoshi valued more than most. Soon, a man who identified himself as the carrier's executive officer arrived and began the guided tour, during which Miyoshi was silent yet curious. After a brief pause to let the pilots change out of their flight suits and a distribution of the carrier's tablet PCs, the squadron found themselves in their bunk room. Growing up in space-cramped Japan and particularly the Japanese military, Miyoshi actually found the accommodations to be quite comfortable. The ability to siphon off your own bunk to be a soundproof privacy module, as well as both a tablet PC and an overhead screen with headphones, seemed generous at the very least. Placing her personal bag in the small storage compartment, she began to acclimate herself to her new maritime home. She turned on her tablet PC first, sifting through several pages much like Ariella had done, and set it aside to converse with her flight lead. [b]"Colonel, if I may, what do you think of this carrier so far? I haven't stopped being fascinated since I saw it from Massao...my plane, I mean,"[/b] she asked, clarifying herself at the end. She had plenty of time to get to know her squadron, but she figured she wouldn't leave Ariella hanging after her call for questions. She hoped the flight lead wouldn't react negatively to her quick response.