Georgia wipped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand as she walked down the large gravel road. She was just walking now, no destination accept a safe shelter and food. Back when she was still in the village, the locals told her to try for Coalville. They were wrong. The whole town was zombie infested. The only living there were bandits. They stole the old beaten truck her neighbors gave her. She wipped the back of her neck. "Freaking heat wave," she murmured to herself in frustration. The heat and all the walking made her legs ache. She shed her coat and rolled up her sleeves. Georgia stared down at her feet while walking, trying to forget the hot air all around her. It was a bad choice, walkers could pop out of nowhere. But the heat demanded all her attention, and she had to obey. Georgia stopped after a bit and took a breath. She crouched down, rubbing her throbbing ankles. The survivor pulled out her water bottle and drank one sip. She wanted to drink it all so badly, but she didn't know when she'd happen upon water again. Georgia looked around her surroundings. A few building cropped up, but a few of the dead were trudging around. "Shit," she whispered to herself.