Sasha yelped as the girl next to her suddenly began to morph and change shape. She scurried over to the teddy bear as she glared up at the now manifested dragon before her. "That' You could at least warn people next time when you do that!" Grumbling to herself, she continued to watch eveyone else in the room. It looked like the only one who wasn't awake was the teddy bear...if it was alive at all. Bending over the thing, she sniffed it over before frowning. Ok, maybe it was alive. And very much not human. Sighing, Sasha turned her attention back to her new "friends", trying to ignore that annoying buzzing sound coming from up above her. "Like I said, the name's Sasha...and could you quit your damn noise already!" She looked up at the cotton candy haired girl, who evidently was the source of said buzzing, and narrowed her eyes. "My hearing's a lot sharper than yours, so that buzzing you're making is only making me crinch." Good lord, was eveyone here a supernatural? Well, maybe not eveyone. Picking up a familiar pungent odor, Sasha closed her eyes and focused fully on the scent. Following it blindly, she found herself sniffing up at pretty boy's legs. Daniel was his name? "You're in luck." Sasha got up from the ground and stood next to the blonde, taking in a few sniffs to make sure. "It looks like you're the only other human here. Great." Crossing her arms, she glanced over at Xerc. "So you're a Barghesty thing? Er, did you live in the woods? No offense, but with your looks, I'd thought you'd be a bit more...I dunno, feral? You're definitely more polite than me," she admitted.