"No, no, no, no, no, no." Phoenix mumbled under her breath as she looked through the window of her hide-out. She stayed there overnight when she felt herself become faint from exhaustion. She hadn't been able to get much sleep before, considering she was always moving and never staying in one place. If there was one thing she learnt from watching zombie movies, it was that it was best to never stay in one place. Unless you have some master built base that no one can get into. What are the chances of that though? Honestly. There were a few dead hanging around outside but, not too many. Though, there were way more than she would prefer. She pulled her shirt over her head and then put her hair in a tight ponytail. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes lingering on the thin scar on her neck. She had a......disagreement with some survivors she ran into a week or two back. She got away obviously, but not without taking on a battle scar. She shook her head, trying to shake away those thoughts. She walked over to the old couch and picked up her backpack, going through it quickly in order to make sure everything was there. She nodded to herself before placing the backpack on her back and adjusting the straps. She then walked over to the door and picked up her bat which was leaning against the wall. She looked through the window once again to see it was clear. The wanderers were gone luckily. She slowly opened the door only to stop it halfway having to squeeze through. She couldn't risk opening the door all the way because she did that when she first fount the house and there was a loud creak. She had to stay hidden within the house as they banged on her door. She had to stay perfectly quiet and she didn't dare move a muscle, not until she was sure they were gone. She does not want to go through that again. She walked carefully down the steps making sure to jump down before she could touch the last step. It was a creaky step. When she hit the sidewalk she looked around her carefully before adjusting her grip on her bat before she began walking to the small store a few miles away. She left her bike there since the store was close to the edge of town. She left it there so that when she was ready to leave she could just jump on her bike and leave this town behind her.