[quote=duck55223] Canterlot was surrounded by a wall. It was not a traditional stone one however, rather a vast construct of silvery metal. It stood 80ft tall, 10 stories, truly a testament to the Equestrians phrase "The Taller, the Grander". The only entrance visible from the teams position was what appeared to be the civilian entrance. At the top of the wall were several guns, then various guard forces scattered about the wall and near the entrance. There didn't seem to be any security features beyond the guards next to the entrance, and a few camera like devices right inside the entrance"I doubt they can outmatch our production speeds, but the nanobots still seem like a good idea. Use them."The integration of the research divisions of both the LCF and Equestrian Empire have begun under the Union's treaty.The Equestrians stated that they were already sending teachers and archmages to help, saying they should be there soon. The Archmage's Coalition has also begun operating within the LCF, looking for those who are well trained and very powerful with magic to grant Archmage status."We will send a frigate, but we also request that you allow us to send some of our generals and admirals to help train your forces. You already have access to our advanced weapons, you just need the training."The Union Military is begin to establish, with recruits pouring in from both nations. Ships are being constructed, and scientists are looking into Synth, Cybernetic, and gene mods for LCF species. [/quote] Operation Knightfall Half of team two attached to a group of passing ponies, introducing themselves and following them to the city of Canterlot, aiming to enter it and slip inside. The other half would wait to see the first half's attempt, and if it was successful move through themselves Operation Free Market The Collective has attempted to use a 'Civilian' Onus transport which is offering a gift of basic metals such as titanium and minor cultural information such as Umbrae Populus literature, conveniently translated of course, to slip Umbrae Populus agents into the Lakfakallle Cooperative Fedaration, and by extent, the Union between LCF and the Equestrians. The reasons for this would be obvious if anyone was to discover the agents, though the agents have been programmed with all that is known by the Collective of LCF culture These agents are ordered to establish deep cover identities, including getting work (Preferably, if possible, in important positions such as as scientists, government officials or military officers) and integrating themselves into the LCF society by any means required. The Collective ship has also attempted to place a virtual tap on the LCF computing devices in order to gain access to files that pass between them... Hopefully this will turn up something more useful than cat videos...