[img=http://s3.postimg.org/dfj0o1fb7/Port_Tarskin_map.png] Tarkin’s Point, Prancing Pirate Tavern You find yourself in a tavern staring at a old man wearing a captain’s hat. You know him from years past for whatever reason, and have followed his instructions in a race to win his slightly famous ship. His demeanor is that of a good natured man as he laughs loudly while lifting up a mug of a strong smelling ale. He leans forward tapping on a pipe smoking with a bitter smelling tobacco inside. “SO you all made it here at the same time. You were all the first to arrive of the forty letters I sent out. I can’t give it to one of you and not the rest so I guess. You all get the ship!” He laughs louder and slaps the table with a loud clap as he stands up. “Congratulations to all eight of ya. I guess you folk need to start figuring out who’s in charge eh?” He starts to walk away limping and causing the huge falchion on his hip to slap against his thigh. The rest of the tavern was a hustle and bustle of activity as sailors moved around getting their drinks wenches brought people steaming bowls of stew and plates of bread. Smoke from pipes filled the ceiling with a fog that made the ceiling almost invisible. A serving wench approaches and sets a plate of bread and cheese on the table. “So Captain Ragbeard just told me you’re in quite a pickle. He said no ale for you all, seeing as it might turn into a sword fight over here we don’t need to add anything else into the mix.” A paper sit in the middle of the table a deed for a ship with all eight of your names written on the bottom and Captain Ragbeard’s swooshing signature beneath them indicating the ship now belongs to all eight of you. The choices lie before you a deed claiming you all as owners of a single ship. Will you accept this generous gift or will you spurn it?