Copy-pasting this from the temp-forum...And yes, I have two, but they were both in the first version, so...And I won't make any more (asside from random NPCs, but that doesn't count) I know this isn't really where we will be posting characters,'s my (updated) profiles again: ********* Name - Serenity "Reni" Leticia Oakseed Age - 19 Rank - High-value Technician, currently in training to be a racer. Species - hedgehog; purple, with blue eyes, and a birthmark: a band of rainbow-colored fur on her left arm just under her shoulder, has a forelock of quills that hangs in front of her face. (The version labeled "new?" in this: [url=""][/url] ) Background - grew up as part of a noble family in the kingdom of Arnak; lean athletic build and a good runner, but not super-powered; some skill with bow and arrow, though not expert Personality - a bit of a tomboy, despite her noble upbringing (or possibly in defiance of it), impulsive, impatient, nieve, unlucky (or so she sees it XP), snarky, determined, at times overly proud, adventurous, arachnophobic, somewhat defiant, spoiled, and irreverent but her heart is good, terrified of firearms (like all Arnakians), hates to be pinned down/trapped (claustrophobic); once she found out about the whole enslavement thing, she was determined to escape and put an end to it, regardless of how futile it seems. So far, she hasn't had much luck. Psychology - Mostly unbroken, but starting to acquiesse, begrudgingly, as she responds to her captors discipline. Since arriving here, she has developed several stress-related repetitive (and sometimes self-destructive) behaviors, like quill-plucking, though she tries to hide it. Backstory - grew up as the only daughter of a noble family in the kingdom of Arnak (though she had brothers, she was the only girl...this may also be why she's a tomboy), Her life in Arnak was pretty good, though she longed for adventure. However, when her father announced that he'd found a husband for her, she rebelled, especially after meeting the prospective husband, as he was twice her age, and a total creep. Even her brothers sided with her about the guy, but nothing would change her father's mind. So she decided to run away, with the help of two of her brothers (the other two stayed behind; the oldest, since he was the family's heir and pretty much HAD to, and the youngest was just a toddler. The middle two had nothing to lose, since they were not heirs, so they went with her.) They made their way into the tunnels and caves surrounding the kingdom, but the trecherous footing caused them to fall from the path into a lower cavern, in which they lost most of their supplies. They soon discovered they were being stalked by unspeakable monsters...giant cave spiders. They evaded them for a time, but then first one, then the other of Serenity's brothers was captured by the spiders and dragged away. Serenity ran on...and just as she was about to reach an opening to the outside world...the spider queen pounced, injecting paralyzing venom... Serenity awoke some time later in a strange village beyond the cave, where she was tended by the shaman and his daughter. Her wound healed, though not completely, as the spider had left her mark in a patch of hairless skin around the bite area. Serenity realized that her brothers were irrevocably lost, and that she would not be able to go home...or onward, due to the bite. She resolved to live the rest of her life in this village... ...But then the raiders came... She was deemed a 'high-value' aquisition due to her unusual color and marking, and marked for sale to collectors. Her captors go to great lengths to keep her pelt free of scars (aside from the spider-bite, of coarse), including using a shock-collar for discipline instead of physical blows. She tried to run once, but was stopped in her tracks by the sound of the "demon firesticks"...a warning shot that had been fired into the ground near her to stop her escape. This is when the slavers discovered her olympic-level running ability, and decided to train her as a racer as a further selling point. She loves to run, but hates the fact that they are using her ability against her for thier own greedy purposes. ****************** Name - Snowdrift (last name unknown...if she has one) Age - 20 Rank - Recently promoted to Manager Species - Albino (spotted (though you can't really tell because of the albinoness)) skunk Background - Daughter of a a cave-spider-slayer tribe's shaman-healer, she has knowledge of healing herbs and first aid, and was in training to become the next healer. Not much in the way of fighting skills, and she tries to avoid confrontations. Personality - Generally easy-going and sweet, she can be firm when dealing with strong-willed patients, making sure they get what they need to recover their health and strength. Somewhat fearful and acquiescent now that she's in the slave camp, since she knows what slavers can do to young female slaves...from having to treat victims of it in the past. Tries to avoid the guards and slavers for the same reason. Psychology - Mostly broken...She doesn't want to 'make waves' or call attention to herself (any more than she already has) Backstory - Daughter of a a cave-spider-slayer tribe's shaman-healer, she was in training to become the next healer. When several of the spider-hunters brought in a spider-poisoned Reni, she helped care for her and nursed her back to health. The two became friends through this, but were separated and captured when the slavers attacked the village. Works in the medical tent of the slave compound, for obvious reasons. Often given the onerous duty of deciding when a slave is too badly injured to bother saving ("Downers" to be culled or left to die.), thus many of the slaves regard her with fear and reproach, calling her things like the "Angel of Death" or "Deathbringer," despite the fact she has no choice in the matter. Recently "promoted" to manager when a high-ranking slaver gave her an offer she couldn't exchange for certain..."favors"...