"That's it! I'm absolutely bored!" Nicholas finally cried out after most of the day was spent in silent. After they ran out of stories to tell in the morning, the Knights had continued quietly on their path to the Weald. It was driving Nicholas mad. He was used to the cries of gulls and the pounding of waves against the wood of his ship. Sure, they had the songs of birds in the trees and the bursts from the wagon wheels hitting a ditch, but it just wasn't the same to him. He missed the shanties that his men sang as they sailed. He tried singing one a few hours ago, but again it just wasn't the same and he let the lyrics fade away with only half the song performed. "We'll be there before long, Nicholas." The ride had been uncomfortable for Ryder. His stomach felt like a war was raging inside. He continued to cough up blood as discreetly as he could. He must have taken ill after their time in the ocean. Once they reached Weald, he could get some proper rest and buy some medicine. In the meantime, he had to deal with the rough ride. "Humans are so easily bored." The soft voice came from the wagon. Nicholas stood up and drew his rapier to a young boy standing behind him. The boy had cat-like features including a tail and ears as well as some more fur on him. Ryder had heard of his kind, though they were endangered and not native to Aldrina. The boy, about fifteen years old, if they aged the same as humans, didn't flinch from the rapier. Instead, he playfully touched the tip and sucked the blood from his finger. "That's sharp. You shouldn't point that at people."