Name: M'gann M'orzz(Real), Megan Morse(Human) Alias: Miss Martian Designation: B05 Age: 48(chronologically), 16(human biological equivalent) Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Human][img=][/hider] [hider=Martian][img=][/hider] Ties to Hero: Niece of Martian Manhunter Powers: Shape-shifting, Camouflage, Super strength(More the a normal human), Durability(denser than a humans but not nearly as durable as a Kryptonian), Telepathy(& Mind Control to a extent), Telekinesis(& Flight, by telekinetically moving herself, she can simulate flight) Abilities: Multilingualism, Hand to hand combatant(Slight, needs more training) Weapons/Gadgets: Organic Clothing, Bio-Ship History: Living on Mars she didn't have much contact with others, and being a White Martian was even worse. M'gann suffered rejection from the predominant Green Martians. She grew up watching Earth television, and following Martian Manhunter's adventures on Earth. She was especially fond of [i]Hello, Megan![/i], a comedy show that lasted only one season; she was drawn to the main character, Megan Wheeler, because of the similarity of their names, and because all her problems were solved in 22 minutes. Recently she stowed away on the Martian Manhunter's ship when he was returning to Earth from Mars. After they contacted her parents, they said it was fine for her to stay and so she became his protege, However no one actually has seen her before today, when her uncle said she could join the team. Personality: Bubbly, Exceptionally Sweet, Polite, and Caring, Although Occasionally Shy. She is eager to please and wants to fit in. Friends: None yet Family: 300 Cousins, 12 Sisters, 17 Brother(One of which is also a white martian), Parents, and Martian Manhunter Crush/Relationship: Open(But if someone is Superboy then not open...) Other: She is weak to Extreme Pressure(Like being crushed by the pressure outside Atlantis) and Heat(Can be weakened when exposed to direct heat or fire)