[center][b]Royal Blood[/b][/center] She was all nerves the moment they were inside the city, she preferred the open outdoors and not the confines of city life, the air was so thick here, so oppressive and she just couldn't read the people here, mostly because it seems that these people did not like to wander out of their homes, the few who did seemed to keep a hand on the handle of a knife or other weapon at all times and avoided looking at them all, as if some great fear had taken hold of this land and it's people. The only bright spot might be the royal spymaster, Mikan, who seemed to do her best to keep them all at ease and showing almost no concern at all for anything, no fear, no unease, just a confidence in this mission, it lifted her spirits somewhat. As they approached the palace Ceann gulped, this was not the palace of someone who enjoyed life it seemed to her, there was no joy or apparent trace of grace from it's builders, it just was cold to look upon and she almost dreaded to get inside of that place, fearing she would be unable to breathe at all. As they entered she shuddered and looked up at the ceiling of the place, not a single trace of the sky, she hoped that they would be out of the palace soon as she took deep calming breaths, hoping to at least appear somewhat calm and collected, she still did not know why she joined the Queen's Blades, only that her visions guided her to it and that it apparently was something she had to do, perhaps doing this would lead her to the path to recall her forgotten past. She shivered, then again maybe there was a good reason she had forgotten it as she recalled a figured dressed in black and gray with predatory eyes. Hearing Mikan talk snapped her out of her reverie and they apparently had entered the throne room and were before the Crown-Prince who at that point turned to them and asked, [b]"What, are your names... And why did you choose to volunteer to come to a kingdom which openly disdains the one you work for."[/b] As they started to introduce themselves she followed their lead. Bowing awkwardly as if not used to such a gesture, "My name is simply Ceann, your grace. I came here because the wandering way I lead has brought me here and because a great injustice and tragedy has befallen you and this realm, if we can assist with that, we will." She said offering a weak smile and final curtsy.