[quote=Yog Sothoth] James wasn't having much luck with finding other Virgo students so he decided to head to the cafeteria. When he got there, he got himself a turkey sandwich and looked around for a place to sit. His eyes saw two students sitting near a corner and James decided that he should be social since this was his first year at the academy. He walked over to Selene and Sonja."Hello, do you mind if I sit here?" he said to them as he placed his plate on the table and waited for their response. [/quote] "I don't really mind. Not sure if she does, though." Sonja returned his eyes to his dictionary, still taking bites of his food occasionally as he read. He didn't really care either way if he decided to sit there or not. As long as he had his books, he was pretty happy. ...Although, his parents did say that it would be good for him to interact with kids his age more. That was why he was sent here, after all, and he hadn't done very much of that the year before. Maybe it would be better if he did sit there...