Sasha watched as he made his blade glow orange, and she had to wonder, when he said he'd done that for a few hours, just what the blade was. Keeping it lighted like that at a constant heat, surely would have done some serious damage to the blade. So to withstand that heat, then there had to be something special about the blade. She pondered that a moment, and then was shocked as Mayt grabbed her hand, to demonstrate what he was doing. The heat was a shock to Sasha, and she let out a gasp. Sasha was naturally cold, but never seemed to notice that, never seemed to get cold, but the heat aaround Mayt body...well, it seemed extreme to her. She blushed, and she nodded as he talked, explaining his magic somewhat. It seemed almost like energy, that he was gathering it around him, and then changing its properties, expelling it from himself. Most mages could restore their magical energy by taking it in through the air, little bits, but it seemed to her that Mayt took in Energy to use, without using his own, and that it just wearied his body, and not his magical store of energy. Sasha shook her head, because that seemed ridiculous. She was only aware of Mayt letting her hand go when there was the absence of heat, and she blinked, looking to him, and meeting his eyes, blushing slightly, but she smiled brightly, "it seems pretty cool, and I can't begin to imagine what you'll be able to do when you're more trained" She said, smiling still, "You'll be an amazing Wizard, Mayt. I'm sure of that"