[b]Introduction[/b] [i]For centuries, human beings with incredible powers have existed around the world, hidden in secret from the rest of society, many not believing in their existence. But all that changed in the spring of 1940 when Adolf Hitler revealed to the world the first of his Aryan pure, Nazi supermen. Hundreds of these Metahuman Nazi soldiers joined in the fight for the domination of the Third Reich and Germany began to crush all resistance in Europe, leaving behind millions dead. It is now 1942 and Germany has seized control of nearly all of Europe, only Russia remains free from the Nazi fascists, and the Third Reich is planning to invade and destroy Moscow. But there is light in the terrible darkness, when Germany began to dominate the war, Russia and America quickly mobilized their own special forces of superhumans and drafted any able bodied Metahuman to fight against the Nazi threat. There is also the resistance in the occupied countries controlled by the Third Reich, who are trying their best to liberate their nations from Hitler's horrible clutches by making strikes against military bases, political offices and supply vehicles. Will freedom survive in these dark times? That is for you decide, all that is certain is that there will be oceans of blood when the war is over.[/i] [b]Rules[/b] No god-modding No arguing in ether the IC or the OOC, if you have a bad disagreement then please PM me or sort it out amongst yourselves in the private messages. There will be very few powers that your character won't be allowed to have but know that they will much weaker than what you would normally see in superhero fiction. Powers in this rp are not meant to be incredibly powerful, for example if your character has superhuman durability then their body will still vulnerable in some areas. You can only have four powers at maximum and the more you have the less powerful you can make them. Auto-hitting is not allowed, but I do ask for you all to have the sensibility to let your characters get injured sometimes when they are attacked. Your characters must ether be aligned with the Axis or the Allies. If your character is an ally in a conquered nation then they are a resistance fighter who is a part of the rebel groups fighting the Third Reich from within. Please try to have good grammar. I want this rp to be PG 13 in terms of profanity and sexuality, but there will be a lot of violence. Last but not least, have fun. [b]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Gender: Alias: Appearance: [photos or a written description work perfectly fine with me] Nationality: Allegiance: [Ether Axis or Allies] Powers: [4 max] Equipment: [try not to go overboard] Personality: History: [It doesn't have to be too long but try to give as much information about your character as you can] [hider=My Characters] Name: Fredrick Fanning Age: 30 Gender: male Alias: Green Bullet Appearance: [IMG]http://timenerdworld.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/the_saboteur-sean.jpg?w=753[/IMG] Nationality: Irish Allegiance: the allies Powers: Telescopic vision, excellent marksmanship, Wallcrawling, enhanced agility. Equipment: an Ithaca Model 37 Stakeout, two Tokarev TT-33, and MAS 38 Personality: He is smart and rather cynical, he doesn't back down from a fight and has very good heart despite his tough guy attitude, but he will not hold back a shot when he has the chance to take it. History: He was born in a little town in Ireland and moved to Dublin when he was five. He lived life very caring for his family, and he hoped that one day his country would be independent from the British. When he was thirteen, his powers began to develop and he found that he was a brilliant marksman along with having the ability to climb walls. When the Nazis took over Britain and Ireland surrendered along with them, he became a rebel, hoping to free his country from the Axis powers. Name: Rudolf Brandt Age: 31 Gender: male Alias: Inferno Appearance: [img]http://cdn.omgfacts.com/2014/5/7/e4ea434c3481b5077d9aae87963125a0.jpg[/img] Nationality: German Allegiance: the Axis Powers: pyrokinesis: Rudolf has a powerful command of fire and can create and manipulate it in manner different ways which include shaping the flames and creating destructive blasts. It does have two weaknesses, his fire attacks are weaker when they have to be long ranged and water can douse the flames. Equipment: a Walther PP pistol and an FG 42 assault rifle. Personality: cold, calculating and ruthless History: His parents died fro starvation after the end of the first world war because of Germany's economic crisis, and from then on, Rudolf had a deep hatred for allied countries. his parents' death fueled his ever growing anger within him and eventually it exploded, quite literally. he had been being bullied by some local kids and Rudolf's anger caused the the kids to burst into flames and die a terrible death. from then on he knew that he was different and when Hitler's third Reich began using Metahumans to dominate the war, Rudolf was ready to serve the leaders of the Reich and joined up. Now with the Nazis having the majority of Europe under their control, Rudolf was one of the many muscle or back bone of a crime boss. he is now ready to still the blood of the allies.[/hider] [b]Character List[/b] [b] The Allies[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1410846]Roger Gatly/Tin Man[/url] - DocTachyon [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1415302]Peter Murdock/Meta[/url] - DocTachyon [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1413626]Jason Barrow/Duster[/url] - Pathfinder [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1414805]John Lucas[/url] - smarty0114 [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1415636] Viktoriya Romanoff/Shifter[/url] - raleighallynn [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1415888]Murray Faulkner and Mendel Wallach[/url] - LesleyDrakken [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1417175]Craig Stewart[/url] - Quadrophenia [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1438158]John Campbell /Peashooter[/url] - rocketrobie2 [b]The Axis[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1417044]Joachim Kugel/Blitz[/url] - Enalais [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1417698]Wilhelm Hector/Hellhound[/url] - Fluffy Warlord [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46925/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1439770]Dr hans von Zurizienburg/Toy maker[/url] - Laggia If you have any questions then please ask. This rp is always open to new players.