Elizabeth's thoughts were in turmoil as she walked in the direction of the academy gates. She knew that not only was an alliance good, but necassary. Still, she couldn't keep herself from thinking about the queen's proposal as a betrayal. Over and over the thoguht flashed in her mind, and she chastised herself for such childish thinking. The queen could, and was expected to, make her own desisions for the good of her land. Elizabeth was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she almost didn't see the horse barreling toward her until it was too late. She dove out of the way, then stood up quickly and chased after, using magic to keep up. 'Hey, watch where you're..." she began to yell at the rider, then stopped when she saw who it was. "Forgive me princess, I spoke out of turn. What has you riding so hard?" ----------------------------------- Caroline heard the voice speak again, this time clearly. [I]"The queen is brave. I begine to see the resemblance."[/i] Focusing on the voice and holding it, she tentatively reached out. [I]"Who are you?"[/i] the voice was silent for a mement, then spoke again, this time to Caroline. [I]"You can hear me? The time is getting close for us to meet then. There is no time to explain in words, so I will give you memories."[/i] suddenly Caroline's mind filled with images and sounds, flashing by so fast that she couldn't make them out. Caroline gave a short cry and collapsed, unconscious. Instantly Spark appeared above her, crackling harshly at anyone who came near, save the queen. Anyone who ignored the warning got hit by a small bolt of lightning, and quickly reconsidered.