They were barely halfway down the street when Aignéis stopped, heat burning at the tips of her silver elven ears. She threw out an arm to stop Fallon, but dropped it just as quickly. She had seen the Iron Police as their paths crossed, but she had not thought anything of it until she heard the sound of them knocking on the brothel door. “Stay here,” she said absently to her companion, not really caring if Fallon stayed, followed, or headed on to Granny's without her. Aignéis trusted the girl to use her head, it was why she had taken her along in the first place. Aignéis took the path back to the brothel with a series of quick, firm strides, managing to arrive just as Myla opened the door with a crease in her face and a finger hooked into the waistband of her skirt. Her superior very quickly stepped between the police and the girl, leaning one hand against the door frame so that they would have to push her aside to get in. She knew of only one reason why Iron Police would come to her door. Someone had tattled to the wrong people. “Can I help you, gentlemen?” she asked with a flash of sharp teeth. Aignéis allowed the cloak to slip a little from her shoulders so that they could see the pale flesh of her chest, just in case that swayed them to be gentle towards her and her charges inside the weathered building.