Emiliano hummed a soft tune as he lit the last of the candles in his bedroom. A quick spark, a lit wick, and then a puff of air to put out the match. The soft scent of lavender began to drift through the room and the vampire sighed in contentment, the smell having been a favorite of his for its calming qualities. "Perfect," he purred to himself and taking another glance around the room. It had been arranged just to his liking: the walls a pale beige with a bit of white moulding at the bottom; the thick, green curtains securely covering the windows to prevent any sunlight leaking through; and of course, the bed had been furnished with many soft blankets and sheets and pillows to keep any who would lie on it comfortable for as long as they desired. This new home had been expensive, but Emiliano could see it was quickly paying off. The vampire bit his lip in excitement, thinking of the two young men in the dungeon right now. He had been able to catch a glimpse of them as they were delivered to his home and quickly ushered to the basement, but they hadn't seen him, due to the blindfolds they were wearing. They were young, attractive, and they smelled absolutely divine. Emiliano had made sure the blindfolds would be removed once they reached the dungeon and his slaves would be treated to three sectioned off areas: 2 individual beds with slightly less comfortable mattresses than his and a bathroom area where they could freely shower and take care of any other needs. It was a generous arrangement, especially in comparison with what he'd heard the other vampires had left their slaves: little more than a single spot of cold floor to lie on. His hunger was quickly growing, but Emiliano decided he would let his slaves get more adjusted to their surroundings before venturing down to the dungeons himself.