[i]“Do you dare challenge me too?! You will regret this choice soon!”[/i] Malika caught the mop flung in her direction with surprising grace, though any cool factor she gained fell a bit flat when she span the mop around between her hands very, [i]very[/i] slowly; like a pianist trying to get the grips of a song. Still a wide grin filled her face, “Took words right out of mouth!” Her grin instantly sank into a determined pursing of her lips, her grip tightening on her mop – Nay, those fingers wrapped around the great and powerful bo staff [b]Zhulong[/b] now! A low chuckle slipped past her lips, “[i]Battle is about many different things,[/i]” she recited, “[i]Skill. Wits. Strength.[/i]” Malika glanced up in the middle of her speech, her mouth curling into a smirk as she saw her opponent turn her head to follow Oliver. In that instant she clumsily broke into a run, dashing at the table Kirina was hiding behind before hopping up onto it and sliding across on her backside just as her opponent turned back and began shouting in Russian. She was soon looking down at Kirina, her legs perched up on the table and a wide, goofy grin on her face, “But most important is [i]sheer, dumb luck![/i] She jumped to her feet, lining her mop up like a snooker cue, aimed at Kirina’s forehead, “And now, is time for finishing blow! Coodee grass, if will!” Drawing back, she prepared to thrust it forward, but not before Marv called out behind her. [i] "Hit the her in the leg! I wanna see it pop off."[/i] She swung her head around and suddenly pointed the handle of the mop at Marv with a proud chuckle, “Cannot promise, but will try just for loy-” Malika didn’t manage to finish her sentence before the table seemingly had enough with being wobbled to and fro, and tipped over onto its side, bring Malika right down with it, her legs dangling awkwardly over the tipped table, the upper half of her body sprawled across the floor, “Oww… Need medic, need medic!” She cried feebly, flailing her arms around lethargically.