Mayt chuckles. "Maybe I will be an amazing wizard some day, but for now, I'm just me!" He smiles, blushing a little. "What little I can do now took a good bit of practice as well, but it all is somewhat useful. When I heat up my sword I tend to cut through things better, and the heat I keep around my body allows me to heat it up faster." He draws it again, and the edge turns the bright orange again. He takes her hand in his a second time to show the field of energy around him is gone, and his hand is actually a tad cold. Unthinkingly, he pulls Sasha's hand up and pressed the blunt edge of the blade against her hand. It's ice cold, all the heat sucked out of it. After a moment he moves it off, dropping their hands back to the side, and just looks at the blade. "I'd still like to know how my parents had known to send me this, maybe it was just luck. I had always been fascinated by swords like these. Maybe they just meant it as a wall ornament. That'd make me feel less like they've been watching me since I left them, which would be creepy." He forgets he's holding on to he hand as he looks over the blade. He smiles and looks back at Sasha. "It's neat, but some things just confuse me about my powers, like why can't I control cold. I can make things cold, sure, but I can't move cold around." He looks contemplative for a moment, the his eyes widen for a moment. "Hold on, if I control energy, does that mean I could control magic?" He looks at her, expecting her to tell him magic isn't energy. "I mean, I don't know what I could do with it, but, is magic even an energy? Or is it more... Ethereal than that?"