[quote=Jangel13] Angelo smiled a little and he opened the window letting mark fly in and Angelo put his index finger out to let mark land on and Angelo smiled at mark petting him gently "you could say that, to be honest he was my only friend for a long time we relied on eachother for a long time so its only natural he stays my best friend." then Angelo frowned a little as he explained "its not really approval im looking for but more like to prove someone wrong about me. my magic is lightning type" Angelo said then he realized something he didn't notice until now, even when Wes was around he never used his magic in the guild at least as far as he could tell. even when Wes wasn't around Angelo never heard what magic he used "actually what kind of magic do you use anyways? figuring out your name is one thing but I never heard of your magic type" Angelo said gently petting mark [/quote] "Hmm.. magic, well do you mean magic magic or the type of magic that people might use as a phrase to express their skills or something. Oh look there, a seagull, usually seagulls are a good sign that we're near a coast so that could mean that we must be close to Hargeon. Hargeon, its quite an interesting place since it's so close to the ocean the citizens there prefer to spend most of their time fishing than using magic, so we could right away assume that we will won't see any mages there. There also said to be a beach there too, not the most appealing, but still a beach." Sniffing, Wes could even smell it. "The ocean breeze sure is something, can't you smell it too? It sure is a great day we're having today, no rain but clear skies over here instead." Hoping that bought him some time, Wes could even feel the train slowing down. Can't risk letting anyone knowing any detail of himself or someone may eventually narrow it down and reveal who Wes really is.