Kreoss Stepped into the... well dingy was the best word to describe the state of the building he supposed. A far cry from the clean and kept hallways of the Cabal fortress. The man who invited him wasn;t necessarily a good friend of Kreoss personally. In fact he couldn't recall speaking much more than a handful of words to the man. He only spent a close to a year aboard his ship as part of an agreement between the Cabal leaders and Him. With the Location of the Stormwind Fortress Learning the art of sailing was a necessity and all Illumian's regardless of chosen path had to learn something about ships. Whether their construction and repair or how to properly crew and fight aboard them. In Aquarianus it was simply a necessity to know such things. And Despite the Cabal's relative newness to the Region they would rise to the challenge of this Naval business and Continue with their mission of gathering whatever knowledge of the craft they could, and anything else of value for the great library. So it was arranged for his apprenticship for lack of a better word. In Exchange for A few select services provided by the Cabal. Even during those eight or so months aboard the vessel he never spoke to the man much. He liked to think he served his time aboard well and obeyed his orders with distinction and pride. He learned much from the exchange of information. The many tomes and Various military manuals of various races adn empires Granted by the great library to the Stormwind Cabal were helpful but not nearly as much as the hands on experience was. While maybe he was not an expert of the craft he was capable enough and learned a few valuable skills that would serve him on other vessels that he would undoubedtly find his way onto during his time in Aquarianus. But maybe he felt beholden to Kreoss after the magic he used during that particular pirate raid? Setting that main Sail ablaze definatly helped the Lillian's Tear make it's escape with its crew and valued cargo intact. Who could say? A part of him felt touched that the man would remember him and offer him such a valuable prize as his own beloved ship. Sailors and captains in particular usually sailed the seas until they died at the helm or from a pirates blade to the gullet. For him of all people to retire was.... surprising. But He could not turn down such a valuable offer. To bring back a ship such as the Tear to the Cabal would be a great boon to both the defence and expansion of the Cabal's influence. What he wasn't expecting was the seven other people gathered around the table with the Captain. Were they his crew? He only recognized one of the half-orcs at the table from his time of service. One of the regular crew if he recalled. Had been with the Lillina's Tear for a number of years. It was an strange collection of people by all accounts. 'But then again', he thought as he looked around the room and at the various faces starring blankly with naked or poorly disguised curiosity at the Arcane runes floating in and endless loop around his head. To these humans he imagined he looked quite strange indeed. He went ahead and sat carefully down at the table and eyed the Captain carefully as he delivered his message. It was even more of a surprise than the invitation to this little ceremony in the first place. Eight people to own one ship? That was Unheard of to say the least. And to top it all off he simply walked up without any further words and left them to sort out their own hierarchy on their own. This could end badly very quickly. Even the Serving girl refused to bring them alcohol in the hopes of avoiding a tussle. Kreoss kept the Expression on his face neutral as he looked around the table at the assembled faces. This decision was going to need to be sorted out quickly, before even a decision on what to do with the damned ship. The Half-orcs all were prioritizing this point above anything else. At least they weren't letting their innate aggression come to blows, or all claiming the ships rights to themselves. He would need to consider his options and his vote carefully. He wanted to remain with the ship, such a valuable resource was far to scarce to simply pass up despite these unorthodox circumstances. He tried to gauge which of these faces seemed the most trustworthy with the position of captain. He could fufill the roll himself He reasoned. He had good experience and combat skills to defend the ship if necessary. But the role of captain especially drew much attention, some good, some unwanted. He decided to stay silent for now, Seeing the reactions of the other people at the table would go a long way in making his decision. Those who pushed to hard for the position were the last option in his mind. Ambition he could respect and understand, But there was such a thing as too eager. He needed to sit on the facts and let his mind whirl the the possibilities and Problems that could arrive from that title and this current situation.