Leaning back on his chair after handing his 'real' form. He grinned at himself for for thinking of what he just did. (Same Clubs from the previous form, Swimming and Home Eco) Looking back at everyone, all of them seems to have almost finished their forms and then he spots Evan and Evangeline, and from what he can see, that Evangeline was expecting something from Evan, her eyes screamed that, which made Jeremy snicker lightly. "What does she want from him? She looks like she really wants something." he asks himself, them he sees her smiling like the Joker. Barely being able to contain his laughter, he used his hand to cover his mouth. After that hole charade, he looked around at his fellow classmates for the year, and all of them looked really interesting to say the least. "This year will be really fun, huh?" he says to himself and leans back, putting his feet on his chair, yet again, but this time is a bit more careful.