Fey turned back to the bothersome fool who blew smoke in her face. Her eyes glared at him as she folded her arms. "Oh I'm sorry, were my facts too challenging for you to understand? I see you are as ignorant as her. Let me explain it to you simply. Smo-king ki-lls you." She spoke slowly then shrugged her shoulders. "I've lost interest in this conversation. Now if you don't mind, well I don't care if you don't mind, I'll be departing." She walked away mumbling under her breath about how dense students at this school were. She sighed heavily and walked into an empty dorm room of the House of Seas. It seemed fit enough for her. Hopefully she wouldn't get a roommate to deal with. She made a mental note to find the musical room so she could practice the piano. It would be a waste if she lost her piano skills.