Leland waited for them to cut the ropes that bound his wrist, then removed the blindfold himself, folded it, and returned it to them. "May I have my prescriptions?" He asked in a polite monotone, and took them from the vampiric delivery boy's extended hands with a nod. Turning to the side to shrug off the bitter feeling that was settling in on the back of his tongue, he slid his glasses up his nose and rubbed his sore wrists before looking back up; the other unfortunate soul who'd been purchased alongside him had entered his own room to take a nap. Fine by him, but they'd have to make each other's acquaintance at some point--alliances were assets in these kinds of situations. If he was more intelligent than the fruitless arguing he'd been spouting before led on, he'd learn to take what the beasts threw at them sitting down. If that was the case, perhaps he'd let the boy in on whatever plan he came up with. If he wasn't, he could be sucked dry for all Leland cared. He had priorities and loyalty played no part in them.