Kiena felt the sickening impact of her blade running through the orc's throat. She always hated killing her opponents, whether they were human or not. When she pulled back her sword, the orc's blood gushed out, spattering her face and clothes. She came away from the fight flecked in dark crimson. She shuddered, wiping some of it from her cheek, and walked slowly back to Arthur and the rest of his squad. [b][i]"You all will die before Chief Bloodfang falls!"[/i][/b] Kiena couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved by the orc's dying words. It could have just been an empty threat, but she didn't want to brush it off as that just yet. Who was Chief Bloodfang, anyway? Arthur never told them about a chief when they set out on this mission. She cast him a sideways glance. It was dangerous to withhold information from one's squad; surely he knew this. If so, that meant that even Arthur didn't know who this chief was. They were working a job without all the details. Just perfect. Kiena watched the squad leader pull Riki off to the side and speak to her in a hushed voice. She wondered what the girl did, but quickly pushed the thought aside. It wasn't her business. She looked at her other teammates who all seemed weary after the fight. She hoped there were no other orcs nearby to hear the sounds from their battle. They were in no shape to put up a strong second fight. Especially him. Kiena shifted her attention to Rafa. If they were attacked now, he probably wouldn't make it. She hoped someone else had brought along some medical supplies, because she had left hers at camp. It was a stupid move on her part, and now she was regretting it. Arthur was now walking back to the group, so she collected her thoughts and tried to pay attention to him. [b]"Alright, lets head back to camp and report what we found. Everyone move out."[/b] Kiena silently complied, beginning the trek back to camp after their leader. She couldn't help but peek at Astiroth out of the corner of her eye. He still hadn't taken off that hood, even during the heat of battle. What was he hiding under there? She slowed her pace slightly until she was walking next to him. "So, Astiroth, right?" Kiena flashed him a friendly smile, but kept her voice low in case there were any other orcs nearby. "Nice moves out there. That wolf didn't stand a chance. It must have been hard to see it though, with that veil over your face. Doesn't it obscure your vision?"