[quote=Jangel13] Angelo watching him perplexed for a moment on what he was talking about with seagulls and magic as a skill and not actual magic but as Wes kept talking Angelo figured out that his magic was a difficult subject for him to talk about so Angelo simply smiled until he was done talking before saying "your bad at distractions. if you don't want to talk about your magic just say so, everyone has a secret I was only curious. the past is the past and today leads us to a future, that's what you should focus on. Same way I wont tell you what compelled me to join phoenix wing I wont bother asking about your magic, just remember if it comes down to fighting you cant hold back." Angelo said giving him a comforting smile before patting his shoulder as the train stopped Angelo got up and he let mark sit on Angelo shoulder "lets go find a boat" Angelo said as he walked off the train waiting on Wes to join him in the search for a ship [/quote] After leaving the train and began their walk to Hargeon's pier, Angelo's words continued to repeat in Wes's mind, "The past is the past and today leads us to a future, that's what you should focus on. " those were the words that Angelo said eariler. "The past is the past and today is leading us to our future, but it isn't always your past alone, there are others who lived in ones past that probably experienced something similar to ones past and other factors that might still follow you to the future. That is why we must learn and either change or improve with what we done and continue our paths on the world. This type of subject is one of the reasons why I don't always stay in one place too long, especially the guild, in a way let's just say that I'm trying to find something out here in this world an answer to a problem that needs a solution that wasn't correctly solved. That solution is what I hope could change things around and make life a bit more easier." Wes let out a long sigh, not really realizing if they were walking in the right direction. Perhaps he should of just taken a job by himself and not with someone, just to possibly return back to his quiet life of seeking out his unknown answer.